Human Urine and Frogs: How a Bizarre Pregnancy Test Helped Unleash a Global Amphibian Crisis
From a groundbreaking find to a global disaster. This is how one species and human error endangered amphibians everywhere.
From a groundbreaking find to a global disaster. This is how one species and human error endangered amphibians everywhere.
For thousands of years, Neanderthals flourished across Eurasia. But new research suggests their genetic diversity plummeted in a sudden population ...
The Key Largo tree cactus succumbs to climate change. More are surely to come, scientists warn.
Fine silicate dust contributed to a prolonged "impact winter".
Study looks into the DNA of almost 140 species of large mammals
The rediscovery of the De Winton's golden mole, long thought extinct, showcases nature's resilience and offers hope amidst rising species ...
Learn more about the different types of tiger subspecies. All of them are sadly endangered.
That's a pretty long time to not notice a clam.
Silver linings sometimes are bacon-flavored.
Wide-net environmental solutions wouldn't be enough for 57% of threatened species.
Mastodons and saber-toothed tigers may have lacked the brain power to adapt to the end of the ice age.
Maybe it's time to temper our enthusiasm.
It’s a global problem, affecting over half of all species.
This is part of our legacy.
Ever seen a sawfish? Chances are you didn't because they're very endangered.
Anyone know how I can get a job as a policymaker?
We were just lucky we made it last time climate change threatened our species.
Countries need to take urgent action to protect species from human activities
These butterflies would really like it if we threw some shade on them.
A conservation scientist interviewed on the programme says Sir David tells it like it is.
Popular wisdom was that predators are most at risk -- turns out it's actually their food that's struggling.
A burning reminder of how mankind can drive species to extinction.
At least 50 billion years worth of unique evolutionary history is at risk, a new study found.
One of the world's most unique mammals is heading for extinction.
"Our results indicate that the disappearance of Neanderthals might have resided in the smallness of their population(s) alone," the paper's ...
It's unclear if the species really is functionally extinct -- but koalas have been in trouble for a long time.
The adorable-looking fanged critter has been rediscovered in Vietnam after it was presumed extinct for three decades.
They died-off suddenly -- but perhaps not dramatically.
Losses include but are not limited to those giant eagles at the end of Lord of the Rings.
This includes the Spix’s Macaw, the lovely birds which inspired the main characters in Rio.
With only two females surviving in captivity, the species is functionally extinct.
They did not come in peace.
A little dirt makes a lot of difference.
Giraffes have been undergoing a silent extinction.
Sharks are declining at an alarming rate.
The planet's largest shark may have been killed by a supernova.
A 40,000-year-old baby horse recovered from Siberian ice may help de-extinct species.
Climate change was unforgiving with the Neanderthals.
For some species, chilling is the best survival strategy.
The findings go against commonly-held wisdom today.
The rarest ape in the world is slowly becoming forgotten.
Ancient volcanism offers a glimpse into the future effects of climate change.
At this rate, in a few centuries, the world's largest mammal could be the domestic cow.
The dinosaurs started and ended with a bang.
Turns out eating all the mammoth wasn't that good of an idea.
The ocean will be less without them.
The extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs left many empty niches for the mammals' taking.