Acacia trees deal addiction to bodyguard ants
A strange evolutionary alliance between trees and the ants that guard them has a sinister explanation, a new study suggests, ...
A strange evolutionary alliance between trees and the ants that guard them has a sinister explanation, a new study suggests, ...
It's amazing how two different animals from two completely different environments evolve some identical physical features. Take bats and dolphins ...
Before mobile phones, pagers and computers were born, writing letters were one of the most basic forms of communication. Communication ...
Living fossils, fast adapters Sturgeons have been conserved as fossils ever since the early Cretaceous - some 130 million years ...
A normal human male and female from present day. (c) Nickolay Lamm Our general appearance and dominating facial features have ...
Psychologists closely studying chimpanzee, bonobo and human infants found striking similarities among the three species in terms of different types ...
At 55 million years old, it represents the earliest known member of this broad group of animals that includes humans. ...
A living South African sideneck turtle next to its 260-million-year-old relative, Eunotosaurus africanus. Turtles are maybe the most majestic creatures ...
This little fellow on the left might look like he's about to take off for a flight, but he knows ...
Recently, a big drop in swallow road-kill numbers was observed, without humans changing anything on their part. So biologists set ...
A rather well rooted idea in evolutionary biology says that evolution itself is non-reversible. Simply put, once an organism has ...
Humans were granted with an evolutionary edge that differentiated us from other primates and may have helped us become the ...
There are millions of species on Earth, and naturally understanding the mechanics of evolution is of great importance for understanding ...
If you're in a biology class in Europe, and you say that humans appeared on the Earth a few thousand ...
Though Siberia stretches across about 10% of the world's land surface, it's only occupied by 0.5% of the world's population, ...
According to a new study conducted by Professor Gerald Crabtree, who heads a genetics laboratory at Stanford University in California, ...
Back in the prehistoric, and even Antiquity days, man didn't understand a lot of things; he took every such phenomena ...
The origins of vision is a widely debated subject, since genetic relationships between early animals capable of sight are inconsistent. ...
There are around 800 hermit crab species living in the ocean. These crustaceans like to mind their own business and ...
For scientists, the most common method of assessing an animal's intelligence is by looking at its relative brain size, with ...
Researchers have discovered what they believe to be a grandfather of snakes, which descended from terrestrial rather than marine ancestors. ...
Evolution, in very loose lines, is defined as the process which allows a species to survive by passing on the ...
Diversity is one of the most shocking aspects when it comes to life on Earth, and knowing how many species ...
Some species of bacteria can survive virtually anywhere: in acids, in nuclear waste, at extremely low or high temperatures, at ...
Over 50 species of pupfish are known from the US to Venezuela, and they are all pretty much the same ...
I recently came across this poll, which was conducted about a year ago. Ok, so it's not extremely actual, but ...
In a recent act that just baffles my mind, Tennesee, not one of the US brightest states, has passed a ...
It was more than 300 million years ago that reptiles made tracks on earth. The exact moment when this happened ...
Researchers from the Scripps Research Institute have determined for the first time that prions, which are just bits of infectious ...
The previous 5 mass extinctions wiped out more than three quarters of the world's animals, and if things continue to ...
Remember when we were kids and everyone picked on the ones who looked peculiar in a way or another starting ...
The Neanderthal has spakled controversies around scientists for many years, and most questions remain unanswered even today; they had many ...
According to a new research, published in PLoS, as the total number of different species in a certain group grows, ...
Recently, the University of California, Riverside provided some materials that shocked me, to say the least. According to that research, ...
There's always been a lot of effort put into understanding what (if something) makes humans superior to other man-like mammals. ...
Scientists from the University of Bath have revealed what may very well be the first law of evolution, which has ...
This dog is famous in the world because it is very big but very gentle - also, thanks to ...