Astronauts Can Now Print Metal in Space and It’s a Game Changer for Future Missions
ESA’s metal 3D printer aboard the ISS could revolutionize space exploration by enabling self-sufficient missions.
ESA’s metal 3D printer aboard the ISS could revolutionize space exploration by enabling self-sufficient missions.
McFall had to demonstrate that he could perform all the tasks needed for a long-duration mission — which he did ...
ESA and JAXA's BepiColombo mission recently completed its last flyby of Mercury, revealing stunning details about the planet's volcanic plains ...
We all know (hopefully) that warming temperatures is driving ice loss. But seeing it makes it all the more disturbing. ...
Now scientists won't have to travel from one place to another to observe solar eclipses. They can create their own ...
Two spacecraft will create artificial eclipses to study the Sun’s corona.
The Earth is about to be used as a sling.
We're inching closer to Moon bases.
The European Space Agency released its treasure trove of stars.
The next window of opportunity for the rover will be in two years, with or without Russia
The search of other worlds is a field of science on the cusp of a revolution. By unpacking the exoplanet ...
The ESA’s CHEOPS telescope has finally launched kick-starting the next phase in exoplanet investigations.
The launch of the ESA’s CHEOPS satellite has been postponed as a result of a software error, reports the University ...
The ESA's CHEOPS satellite launches later this month with the mission to select exoplanets suitable for in-depth investigation.
The audacious plan will confirm whether or not we're capable of deflecting asteroids -- at least the tiny ones, for ...
Should everything go according to plan, ESA wants to launch the mission by 2025.
With a bit of help from NASA, you can now hear the sun's roar -- and it's glorious.
We all deserve to breathe cleaner air -- this is where this mission comes in.
A great partnership for a great goal.
Literally out of this world.
Powered by the Moon's pull, Earth's oceans generate a magnetic field all of their own.
Immense devastation has been wrought upon California this year.
It will shine three times brighter than Mars in the night's sky. It might also cause an unpleasant stir in ...
The two are already collaborating on important science projects.
Footage from the crime scene.
After 8 months in space, ESA's crafts are approaching the martian surface.
The last time humans set foot on the moon was 1972. Feeling confident it had clearly showed its superiority over ...
Researchers from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have been trying to figure ...
Tuesday morning, ministers from each of the 20 nations involves in the European Space Agency will meet to decide how ...
Titan is in the spolight again! After astronomers spotted a passing geological feature, now a joint team from NASA and ...
These are NASA Hubble Space Telescope natural-color images of four target galaxy clusters that are part of an ambitious new ...
Two fantastic space telescopes, Hubble and ESA's Herschel, have teamed up to image one of the most popular astronomical sights ...
Cosmic microwave background seen by Planck. (c) ESA Using the incredible Planck cosmology probe astronomers at the European Space Agency have assembled ...
When the administration gives you budget cut lemons, make a different scientific lemonade - that's pretty much what NASA is ...
Two weeks ago, panic engulfed the Russian space agency after one of its dearest project, the $170 million Phobos-Grunt mission, which ...
Almost one year and a half ago six volunteers embarked on a fictive mission to Mars, designed to simulate the ...
A new study published by researchers at University of Hong Kong has produced controversial waves among the astronomy community, as ...
ESA’s Venus Express spacecraft has found an ozone layer high in the atmosphere of Venus, similar to that surrounding Earth and ...
Europe aims for the stars: known as the Solar Orbiter will fly towards the Sun and get closer to it ...
Contrary to what you might expect, a recent published study unveiled by scientists shows a map of our planet's gravity, ...
The joint exploration by NASA and ESA, encompassing joint efforts from the American and European space agency seemed like a ...