Another energy rating scandal, Volkswagen style, this time with vacuum cleaners
Couple of weeks ago, Volkswagen admitted it had cheated US tests to make its diesel cars seem more green than ...
Couple of weeks ago, Volkswagen admitted it had cheated US tests to make its diesel cars seem more green than ...
Solar energy could be turned up a notch not by some exotic material or chip, but surprisingly by viruses. A ...
Solar-aided power plants could mean less CO2 for a fraction of the costs of solar-only, paving the way for a ...
With all its cons and pros, at this time, nuclear power remains our best shot at decarbonizing the planet and ...
Fahrenheit may be the best way to measure temperature after all. Why? Because most of us only care about air ...
Solar power is one of the most efficient yet clean sources of energy we have access to. There are no ...
Since ancient times, people living in hot climates learned if they paint their rooftops white, then their quarters would stay ...
Some of us like to think that the energy needs of the future will be supplied by clean and renewable ...
A new milestone study found that mitochondria - the energy factories in animal and plant cells - were initially very similar ...
Coal fired power plant in Germany. US policymakers are considering substituting coal for natural gas by 2030 to tackle the ...
source: IEA The world is currently on a downward spiral, risking reaching a point of no return where global warming ...
Walter Lewin. MIT Some people become in love with physics because they're secretly in love with the truth. Physics never ...
The Simpsons Movie's plot starts off with Homer adopting a messy piglet he names "Spider Pig". The pig, helped a ...
Professor Terry Dawson of the University of New South Wales and colleagues found that kangaroos use their tail as an extra leg ...
The falling cost of renewable energy shouldn't surprise anyone by now - all we're waiting for is the tipping point ...
Photo: Wikimedia Commons The humongous grey whale and the skipjack tuna, though of contradicting sizes, both employ similar propelling mechanisms ...
When you think of timber technology, the first things that come to mind may be constructing homes, wooden tools and, ...
In the future, your saliva might power key microelectronics. Researchers at Penn State have devised a micro-sized microbial fuel cells ...
A prototype of the flow battery developed at Harvard. (c) Eliza Grinnell, SEAS Communications One of the biggest arguments against ...
This five-cell metamaterial converts stray microwave energy, as from a WiFi hub, into more than 7 volts of electricity with ...
A mockup of the fuel cell prepped for released by Redox Power Systems. There's been a lot of praise and ...
Hybrid nuclear plants, working in conjunction with geothermal, shale oil, or hydrogen production could help slow climate change, and provide ...
Jellyfish are really impressive creatures, for all their simplicity; now, a new research has shown that the elastic body allows ...
Even in these modern times, steam condensation is one of the main drivers of electricity production and clean water: It ...
The Hawthorne effect (commonly referred to as the observer effect) is a form of reactivity whereby subjects improve or modify ...
Besides being a great family time activity and an awesome display of art for some who have way too much ...
In today's fast evolving world of tech, miniaturization is crucial. In most portable consumer electronics goods, like smartphones or tablets, the typical ...
Last week, the U.S. Air Force released a report in which it outlines its technological and energy plans for the ...
We at ZME Science love futuristic designs, but above all we love innovative energy efficient solutions. The latest avantgarde lighting ...
A new massive research from SMU’s Geothermal Laboratory, funded by a grant from has documented significant geothermal resources across ...
While a dog's psychological value to its owner is very much attested, helping cure loneliness and such, a recent study ...
Yes, you've read that right. There are over 50 billion planets in our galaxy alone, according to the Kepler telescope, ...
Parts of the car's bodywork could double up as it's batter in a not so far away future; at least ...
Boy I've gotta tell you, my jaw really dropped when I heard this one. There are actual lakes, on the ...
Biofuels seems to be the word on everybody's lips today, and for good reason. It's necessary that people understand the ...
It's hard to say that during last year's G8 summit the "world leaders" made promises and predictions that were just ...
If you were to be optimistic, where do you think mankind would get most of its energy a century from ...
Photo by jago In a study conducted by researchers at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University that claimed a different ...
Green fuels are a really hot topic, with every single day bringing a new (claimed) discovery or breakthrough, but many ...
Researchers are searching everyday for options which could bring an ending to the energy issue or at least delay it ...
The need to find out energy sources and the development of genetic and microbiology make it likely to find out ...