This Tiny Robot Swims Like a Worm — and Could Explore Alien Oceans
Marine flatworms have perfected smooth, undulating motion over millions of years of evolution. Now, scientists have taken inspiration to create ...
Marine flatworms have perfected smooth, undulating motion over millions of years of evolution. Now, scientists have taken inspiration to create ...
The frozen moon is one of the most promising places for extraterrestrial life
We're not saying there's life on Enceladus... but there *could be* life on Enceladus.
Saturn's moon Enceladus features ice tectonics and subsurface liquid water.
New research reveals the physics governing the fissures through which ocean water erupts from the moon's icy surface.
This small moon has huge potential.
This would allow us to gain a new understanding of extraterrestrial life.
The findings could have important consequences for the prospect of finding alien life there.
A few years ago, the Cassini spacecraft made a surprising discovery: there are geysers erupting on Saturn's moon Enceladus, spewing ...
NASA is preparing for a historical approach to Enceladus, plunging its Cassini spacecraft deep through the icy spray coming from ...
Saturn's moon, Enceladus, is covered in a thick icy crust, but beneath it might lie an ocean of liquid water ...
The geysers on the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus have been counted and mapped, strengthening theories that Enceladus is one ...
The new NASA-funded study showed that if the icy surface of Pluto’s giant moon Charon is cracked, analyzing the fractures ...
Earth is not the only place in the solar system to hold watery oceans: Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons also ...
Images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft have enabled scientists for the first time to create a correlation between spraying of jets ...
As the winter ski season is rapidly approaching, snow sports enthusiasts all over the world are already planing their trips, ...
For the past 14 years, astronomers have been scratching their heads trying to find out just where does the water ...
Launched in 1997 on a mission to study Saturn and its satellites, the Casisni spacecraft reached the system in 2004. ...
It's been quite a while since we published anything about the Cassini mission, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been ...
The Cassini spacecraft has made numerous valuable discoveries along the time, such as the 'building blocks' of life on Titan, ...