Underwater volcano erupts off the coast of Oregon
An underwater volcano 300 miles off the coast of Oregon has awakened from its slumber and apears to spew out ...
An underwater volcano 300 miles off the coast of Oregon has awakened from its slumber and apears to spew out ...
There's so much you can do with a smartphone today - much more than just browsing the web or social ...
A magnitude 6.8 earthquake (initially 6.9) has struck Northern Japan earlier today, with a small tsunami striking the coast without any ...
Hydraulic fracking is responsible for a swarm of earthquakes, one of which was felt by Ohio residents in March 2014, ...
A team of geologists from Iceland, Sweden and Saudi Arabia has found changes in groundwater chemicals prior to earthquakes. They ...
JAMEY STUTZ, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Chile is one of the most seismically active countries in the world. In 2010, it ...
Geologists working in New Zealand have shown, through isotopic analysis, that rainwater can infiltrate down to 6-8 km, in the ...
For the first time, geophysicist in New Zealand will place seismic sensors deep into a geological fault to record the ...
They don't scientific instruments this classy anymore.
A 7.9 magnitude earthquake has struck deep beneath the ocean floor near Alaska's Aleutian islands, triggering a small tsunami. The ...
French researchers say they are close to developing seismic ‘invisibility cloaks’ which would cancel out potentially hazardous earthquake shockwaves, protecting key ...
An 8.2-magnitude earthquake hit near the coast of Chile last night, triggering multiple strong aftershocks and a 6-foot (3 meter) ...
In a new study conducted by researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey, researchers showed that the human-induced magnitude 5.0 earthquake ...
A magnitude 6.9 earthquake off the coast of Northern California struck Sunday night, on the 9th of March. It was ...
Scientists have developed a new catalogue of earthquake lights, glows sometimes reported during the seismic shaking, and sometimes even before ...
A tiny chip already used in smartphones for the orientation of your screen could serve to create a real-time urban ...
The Earthquake A major earthquake hit a remote part of Pakistan (near the border with Iran), claiming 45 lives and ...
A magnitude 8.3 earthquake that struck deep beneath the Sea of Okhotsk on May 24, 2013 still poses a lot ...
Lots of volcanoes erupted in 2009 - but one of them really screamed out. Its unique howls provide a glimpse ...
As bad as earthquakes can be, and we've recently had our fair share of earthquakes around the world, the tsunamis ...
Scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego have found a layer of liquefied molten rock in Earth's ...
A massive earthquake struck Wednesday east of Kira Kira in the Solomon Islands, with several already confirmed victims and injuries. ...
It should be no surprise for anybody that a major earthquake is way overdue in LA; a study has shown ...
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 some 142 kilometers off the ...
A strong earthquake with an epicenter off the northeastern coast of Japan shook buildings all the way to Tokyo, leading ...
In 2011, a 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Spanish city of Lorca, resulting in the loss of 9 lives and the injury ...
Scientists from China, US and Mexico have used light detection and ranging laser altimetry (LiDAR) to study how an earthquake can change ...
This summer Japan was hit by a tremendous 9.0 Richter scale earthquake, which generated one of the most powerful tsunamis ...
Right now, you're probably asking 'how does an earthquake look like in 3D ? What does that even mean?'; well, ...
Another powerful seismic event has taken place, this time in Turkey; the 7.2 earthquake in case struck eastern Turkey on ...
In 2008 a deadly earthquake hit the Sichuan province of China killing tens of thousands and living millions homeless - ...
A small, yet frightening earthquake, registered at 5.9 magnitude, sent shivers down people's spines all the way from Ottawa, Canada ...
Increased heat emissions by a volcano located in the Aleutian were detected via satellite by the Alaska Volcano Observatory, which has ...
Topping this week's absurd news by far, this is one of the most preposterous things I've read in all my ...
Contrary to what you might expect, a recent published study unveiled by scientists shows a map of our planet's gravity, ...
Ever since the 9.0 earthquake in Japan, there has been a growing mainstream interest for earthquakes, which will probably ...
The massive 9.0 earthquake was the last in a series that devastated countries across the boundary of the Pacific plate. ...
You don't get any country better prepared for an earthquake than Japan. They know they are at risk, they are ...
The sad loss of over 10.000 people caused by the M8.9 earthquake and the tsunamis it generated is not the ...
A National Geographic documentary is on the lookout for the mysterious lost city of Atlantic.
In its wake, the Japan 8.9 Richter scale devastating earthquake and the huge tsunami that was produced by it left ...
As a consequence of last Friday's devastating earthquake near the coast of Japan, the nation's most powerful recorded earthquake to ...
If you're looking for an easy to understand scientific explanation about the formation of the devastating quake and tsunami that ...
The recent tsunami wave that hit the Japanese coast this Friday simply devastated the countries costal areas. Besides the actual ...
In the wake of Japan's most devastating recorded earthquake to date, the nation of the rising sun is still left ...
The damage caused by the 8.9 earthquake in Japan is far from being over - asa matter of fact, unfortunately, ...
The earthquake that occured yesterday near the coast of Japan, the 4th most powerful earthquake ever to be recorded, is ...
The earthquake that struck Japan is much worse than original estimates ! The original 7.9 magnitude actually just got upgraded ...
It's been a busy tectonic month, and things aren't about to chill down. A massive 7.9 magnitude Earthquake has just ...
It's time we face it, a big one is coming - and soon ! All the predictions point towards a ...