The ring might have acted like a giant sunshade, causing a cooling effect that might have unleashed an ice age.
2024 PT5 will be a temporary visitor, arriving in September and flying off again in November.
Discover the secret, plastic realm below Earth's surface: the asthenosphere.
From marble blue to very, very brown.
Over 70 years as humanity has begun to explore space, we have upon occasion, turned our gaze back to our ...
The mantle is a whopping 2,900 km (1,802 miles) thick, and it's by far the thickest layer of the Earth.
The Earth is not a perfect sphere, so the answer might surprise you.
Set, Game, and Match, flat-earthers!
The rock was jettisoned to the moon when early Earth was pounded by daily meteorite impacts.
The planet's innermost layer is more like a soup than a brick.
Some of the most iconic images of Earth from space have been brought to new light.
They keep falling, but not down.
It's been so long since then that direct evidence simply isn't around any more.
You could fit nearly one million Earth-sized planets and the sun isn't even that big of a star.
Maybe this discovery can help us understand them both.
Sea turtles have an internal compass -- but it's not perfect. They can go the wrong way for hundreds of ...
It's going to be a good month for stargazers.
Our planet's core might be pockmarked with hot blobs. We don't know what they are, we don't know where they're ...
It's the strongest evidence yet that Earth's inner core is rotating.
Seasonally appropriate news.
"This is a surprising conclusion," the team admits.
The findings show that plate tectonics started 3.3 billion years ago, coinciding with the period when life started on Earth.
Happy world overshoot day!
More like "yet another new study."
Our planet is one big salad.
The mystery of Earth's water may have been solved by a team of Japanese researchers.
Finally, a theory that explains how the moon formed that isn't too over the top.
Researchers had hoped that at least 300 of them would be the size of our home planet. Well, they found ...
"With the we can spot objects regardless of their surface color, and use it to measure their sizes and other ...
The surviving fragments of planet orbiting a white dwarf have been found by a team of astronomers.
It's all in the tilt.
Drama, suspense, plot twists -- science has it all!
New insights into how life appeared on Earth -- but also possibly on other planets.
The huge clouds of dust closely orbiting Earth could affect the safety of future space explorations.
Since the early 20th century, Earth's axis has shifted by more than 10 meters.
The only thing flat earthers fear is sphere itself!
Tricksy, tricksy space.
Earth's rivers cover an area roughly the size of Texas, the team reports.
The Earth's 'young' phase might have been much shorter than we assume.
Early Earth had 5-hour days.
The level of detail is exceptional.
Are we ready for the biggest ethical challenges mankind has ever faced?
Ever wondered where the water you drink truly comes from?
Marsbees could cover a lot more ground on the Red Planet than sluggish rovers.
A team of researchers forced bacteria to create carbon-silicon bonds, and their experiment showcases why life on our planet chose ...
Homer Simpson is drooling over this story.