The US Air Force Just Unveiled Its First Unmanned Fighter Drones
They're affectionately called "Loyal Wingmen".
They're affectionately called "Loyal Wingmen".
Take a little break and enjoy the festivities all over again, all thanks to Jeff Cremer and his trusty drone.
This can be a very useful tool against mosquito-spread diseases like malaria.
Naval warfare is on the brink of a paradigm shift.
It's was inspired by some animals' diverse mobility skills
The amphibious drone was inspired by the kingfisher and the suckerfish.
The future sounds cloudy with a chance of drone swarms.
Scientists have developed minute artificial muscles to power Lilliputian drones.
Every minute matters, and a drone can really speed things up.
The aircraft was being used for a drug trafficking network.
It's not ready for commercial applications, but the potential is there.
Joy, sadness, fear, anger, and surprise were the easiest to recognize.
After the first return flights, now it's time to start exploring Mars!
Researchers believe a controversial conquistador visited the Wichita site.
In Chile, protesters are using lasers en masse to bring down hapless police drones. Videos of Chilean protesters bringing ...
A milestone in e-commerce... and the imminent age of robot overlords.
Titan is of interest because it is the only body in our solar system (besides Earth) that has liquid rivers, ...
It's always good to take a breather!
BEEEE cause we can, that's why.
A simple but elegant solution.
The solid-state propulsion system works by ionizing the air.
This microdrone packs a lot of muscle.
Talk about a great use of technology!
The future is finally here.
Marsbees could cover a lot more ground on the Red Planet than sluggish rovers.
Their job will be to take pictures of fat seals and I'm so, so envious.
Humans had the upper hand for now. In the long run, though, drones prove more reliable.
The final selection for New Horizons is expected in mid-2019.
They reduced response times by over 75% during trials.
In Norway, a research project regularly uses drones to investigate dietary habits and predation behaviours of killer whale groups.
When you need medical supplies, you need them immediately and one startup promises to do it faster than anybody.
The drone will have to be light but solid enough to survive in the moon's harsh atmosphere.
A little ship braving the ocean on its own.
Harvard roboticists made an insect-like flying robot that perches on ceilings to save energy, like bats, birds or butterflies.
Between 2,500 and 4,000 so-called 'extremists' have been killed by drone strikes and kill squads in Pakistan since 2004. Maybe ...
hinese drone making company Ehang recently showed off one of the most impressive contraptions at the CES convention in Las ...
A couple of quadrotors wove a bridge out of polyethylene fiber rope in an intricate dance. Some 120 meters of ...
Drones are often feared as instruments of destruction, and as John Oliver pointed out, in some parts of the world, ...
NASA is preparing to send a drone to Mars by 2024 - they've already developed a small, lightweight craft that ...
A mini-drone that fits in the palm of your hand could give the military an upper hand on the battlefield ...
Climate models and environmental monitoring missions are ever more reliant on autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to scour the ocean depths ...