Just Five Days of Junk Food Can Throw Off Your Brain’s Metabolism
The occasional splurge can have long-lasting consequences.
The occasional splurge can have long-lasting consequences.
A gut microbe could naturally regulate sugar cravings and blood sugar levels, offering a promising alternative to drugs like Ozempic.
When you're stressed, few things feel better than indulging in some comfort food. But while most comfort foods aren't the ...
A new study suggests that living longer isn’t just about eating less, but how resilient our bodies are when facing ...
It's not that expensive and only needs to be done 2 or 3 times yearly but has been shown to ...
We already know that food has a big impact on our lives — but this is something else.
The key is eating more plants.
Study looks at the real diets of over 55,000 people in the UK.
Study looks into the benefits of certain plant compounds.
A lot of people seem to believe tofu is bad for you. Is this really the case?
Such findings can help improve research into diet quality in the future, and give us all some food for thought.
Many different factors can change your stool color, including diet, lifestyle, and health issues.
Many of these changes are also eco-friendly and save on cash.
Eating better would benefit you and the planet, too.
There's some good news: eating a serving of peanuts adds 25 healthy minutes of life.
Fewer burgers, more broccoli.
When you're all out of McMammoth, you need to start improvising.
A banana can teach you much about history.
Oh, food, don't betray me too!
The choice between feeding your family and saving the climate isn’t easy to make -- but it will always go ...
Tofu is an excellent source of plant protein. Studies have shown that it has plenty of benefits and it's gradually ...
Keto is the fad diet of the decade, but does it really work and is it safe?
They seemed to be doing alright for themselves.
Eating well is good for you and the national budget.
You can starve on too much food.
Wild mammals living near agriculture fields were found to change their diets.
I don't know how I could live without cheese.
If the consumption of meat and dairy doesn’t fall, at least one-quarter of the world’s tropical lands could disappear by ...
"In the future, we might also adapt dietary regimens for insect rearing in order to increase their antioxidant content for ...
Between three and six such species have existed in the past.
Sweet, sweet research.
Softer food gave humans an overbite that made it easier to produce "v" and "f" sounds.
Nobody likes keeping track of the food they ate but it doesn't a lot of time at all and the ...
Caveburgers, anyone?
Want to stay healthy and save the world? Here's how.
Eat more fibers, less energy dense foods, and you'll probably be alright.
There are many misconceptions surrounding carbohydrates. Let's have a look!
A story about metabolism, circadian rhythms, and calories.
We don't know why they did so.
It does take a lot of willpower -- but the results are often worth it.
The best thing to do is to stick to a healthy diet and be physically active.
It's all about the dried meat and seeds.
This is good news, because it means we can change things.
Eating a balanced diet of fruits and veggies staves of brain aging and cognitive decline.
Researchers discovered that pasta didn't contribute to weight gain or increase in body fat.
Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from these old lads.
Cheese -- it literally made your bones what they are.
Dibs on the last slice.
You might not like it, but that's just the way things are.