Scientists Take “Baby Picture” of the Infant Universe and Then Weigh It. Here’s What Its First 380,000 Years Tell Us
If today's Universe were an adult human, at 380,000 years old it would be only a few hours old.
If today's Universe were an adult human, at 380,000 years old it would be only a few hours old.
From black holes to white holes. Who would've thought?
This incredible image captures the ghost of a supernova 100 light-years across.
New data confirms a puzzling rift in the universe's expansion rate.
That Einstein guy really was smart.
Scientists thought dark energy was constant. This groundbreaking study suggests otherwise.
It will help scientists better understand dark energy and the unnerving expansion of the universe.
Dark energy accounts for as much as 72% of the Universe's matter and energy content and drives the accelerating expansion ...
The Dark Energy Survey has delivered its first results providing one of the most detailed pictures of the Universe ever ...
We still don't know what dark energy *is*, but we found out another thing it isn't.
If proven right, this theory could be one of the most important developments in 21st-century physics.
Probably the most interesting you're going to read today.
The image above is a timeline with each frame showcasing a stage in our Universe's evolution, from humble beginning to ...
This is the first map in a series of maps that will be stitched together to form a grand picture ...
Dark matter and black holes are some of the most mysterious things in the Universe, so a connection between the ...
Climate change is a threat to all life and vegetation here on Earth, but some places are worse off than ...
A newly published study has revealed that dark matter is being swallowed up by dark energy, offering valuable data not only ...
The Illustris project took 5 years of software development and 3 months running on 8000 processors - but it sure was ...
Scientists have been analyzing high-energy gamma rays originating from the center of our galaxy and they've reported that there's a ...
Artist impression of BOSS map, complete with a view of the intergalactic 'ruler'. (c) BOSS A new map of a ...
Mysterious and elusive, dark matter has escaped scientists time and time again; yet confirming its existence is quintessential to current ...
Dark energy is the mysterious force that drives the Universe's expansion at an ever increased pace. Probing and understanding this ...
Bono of U2 recently let it be known that he was a student of astrophysics (yes, truly!). Upon meeting the ...
Most certainly, one of the top goals in physics today is proving the existence of dark matter - the elusive ...
(c) NASA/ESA Hubble just never ceases to surprise. The latest astronomical find discovered using the ever resourceful space telescope is ...
Renowned physicist, famous for his study of black holes, galaxies and for authoring a popular book on the origin of the ...
A $1.6 billion cosmic ray experiment on the International Space Station has come across evidence of antimatter in space, a remarkable ...
Cosmic microwave background seen by Planck. (c) ESA Using the incredible Planck cosmology probe astronomers at the European Space Agency have assembled ...
The American (NASA) and European (ESA) space agency have teamed up to create a new spacecraft that will hold a ...
Well, the year really kicked off in style. This research is really next level physics, and in order to understand ...
Galaxy clusters Abell 399 (lower centre) and Abell 401 (top left). The galaxy pair is located about a billion light-years ...
(c) NASA Scientists with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II) have used a novel technique to peer through the nature of ...
Dark matter is a type of matter which astrophysicists believe covers the greater part of the Universe's mass. However, dark ...
The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) is the most powerful sky survey instrument yet built, a collaborative international effort which took more ...
Encompassing years worth of work, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III) has now precisely measured the distance between over a quarter ...
Galaxy clusters are the biggest stable structures in our Universe that we know of, typically containing 50 to 1000 galaxies. ...
Europe aims for the stars: known as the Solar Orbiter will fly towards the Sun and get closer to it ...
Astronomers at UC Santa Cruz have set a new benchmark for cosmological research for decades to come maybe, after successfully simulating ...
Unveiled this past weekend, astronomers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey have created a 3D map of the Universe using ...