Scientists Take “Baby Picture” of the Infant Universe and Then Weigh It. Here’s What Its First 380,000 Years Tell Us
If today's Universe were an adult human, at 380,000 years old it would be only a few hours old.
If today's Universe were an adult human, at 380,000 years old it would be only a few hours old.
Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have discovered a massive, dormant black hole from just 800 million years after ...
We can now see the movement of the many galaxies living in nearby superclusters.
You live in a world where simulations are possible -- and we're not sure if everything *is* a simulation.
Welcome to the world of spinning cosmic filaments.
84.4% of the matter in the universe is something that we don’t really understand yet.
Black holes have firmly moved from the status of theoretical curiosity to physical reality. We follow that transformation and the ...
LAGER-z7OD1 is possibly one of the clusters that marked the end of the Dark Ages of the Universe.
Cosmologists aren’t sure about how fast the universe expands and the mystery continues.
This could solve the mystery of tidal disruption events or ‘spaghettification.’
Small-scale concentrations of dark matter produce lensing effects that are 10 times stronger than expected, a new study found.
The black hole is the first object of its kind with a mass above 100 solar masses but below a ...
A trifecta of recent discoveries has challenged models of galactic evolution, suggesting that galaxies could have formed much sooner in ...
The Universe is expanding, of that much cosmologists are sure. But the question of what rate at which that expansion ...
It's exciting to see exoplanet research being awarded with a Nobel Prize.
Two-thousand processors simulated more than 8 million universes and countless galaxies.
The Illustris project took 5 years of software development and 3 months running on 8000 processors - but it sure was ...
It is currently believed that we live in a lopsided Universe: cosmologists reached this conclusion by examining the detailed structure ...
Physicists have successfully reproduced a pattern resembling the cosmic microwave background radiation in an experiment which used ultracold cesium atoms ...
Astronomers from Britain's University of Central Lancashire have recently published a landmark paper that describes the largest known structure in the ...