Scientists Take “Baby Picture” of the Infant Universe and Then Weigh It. Here’s What Its First 380,000 Years Tell Us
If today's Universe were an adult human, at 380,000 years old it would be only a few hours old.
If today's Universe were an adult human, at 380,000 years old it would be only a few hours old.
The amazing story of how the Cosmic Microwave Background was discovered completely by accident by American scientists.
The Dark Energy Survey has delivered its first results providing one of the most detailed pictures of the Universe ever ...
The European Space Agency's Planck satellite has revealed some information which may force us to rethink the evolution of the ...
It is currently believed that we live in a lopsided Universe: cosmologists reached this conclusion by examining the detailed structure ...
Physicists have successfully reproduced a pattern resembling the cosmic microwave background radiation in an experiment which used ultracold cesium atoms ...
Cosmic microwave background seen by Planck. (c) ESA Using the incredible Planck cosmology probe astronomers at the European Space Agency have assembled ...