Man responsible for three quarters of climate change
A new independent study conducted by researchers from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, has concluded that natural ...
A new independent study conducted by researchers from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, has concluded that natural ...
Antarctica is the most the arid place on Earth. Its climate is so rough, so hazardous that no permanent human populace can ...
Last week, the court appeal which sought to put the mighty Grizzly bear back on the endangered species list, and ...
Researchers lately pointed out that delaying measures against climate change will make them more expensive and less effective; however, countries ...
In 2009, a rather controversial new wing of the CIA was formed under the climate center moniker. This division was, ...
In the first study of its kind, a group of researchers have quantified the financial impact of climate-change infused natural ...
Amid all the talk about Asia's economic growth and their stable financial future, two major problem arise to cloud their ...
The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature team has concluded its study, which had the objective of analyzing global temperatures ever since ...
Global warming has significant consequences to Earth's ecosystems, each effect triggering another one in a slew of chain reactions. Frighting enough, rising ...
Record low ice volumes in the arctic caused by global warming have been reported this year, and if there are ...
Whether you like him or not, you have to admit that he has been fighting for a noble and important ...
Studying the immense 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire, which burned 401 square miles and becoming the largest tundra fire on record, ...
Global warming is not an abstract element, it's not harmless, and it doesn't apply only to polar caps; it affects ...
In a world where accusations like this fly by like pigeons in the park, it was about time someone but ...
Global warming has lowered the global yield of crops with up to 5% since 1980; not for soybeans, or tomatoes, ...
You'd expect this from the Times, and it wouldn't be so much of a surprise. But David Owen's article entitled ...
Yes, I know there's still a few days until Earth Hour comes, but I just wanted to give you guys ...
The problem of a water shortage has been on the table for quite a while now, and as time passes, ...
The biggest beaver dam is (get ready folks), twice as long as the Hoover dam, measuring 2,790 ft (over 800 ...
James Lovelock is one of the world's most brilliant minds alive at the moment; he developed numerous technologies for NASA, ...
The controversy between the climate and energy researchers has been fuelled by the recent studies which suggest the ...
So how could we achieve this is hard to say. But according to Sir Nicholas Stern trading and targets should ...
Basic paleoclimatology and one a little more There have been many climatic shifts throughout the geologic period of our ...