Almost unanimous: climate change 95% caused by man, according to U.N.
From left, Lena Ek, Ministry of the Environment of Sweden, Prof. Thomas Stocker, IPCC working group and Prof. Dahe Qin, ...
From left, Lena Ek, Ministry of the Environment of Sweden, Prof. Thomas Stocker, IPCC working group and Prof. Dahe Qin, ...
It's hard to find Kivalina on the map as it is, but soon it will be impossible - the place ...
The ramifications of climate change are long and vast, but with all this talk and attention the subject's been gaining ...
According to a recently published in the journal PNAS, some 1,700 cities in the United States coastal areas are under ...
For years scientists have hypothesized that a rise in CO2 levels will cause the world's forests to use water more ...
"Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die" - seems to be the motto at big oil companies. At ...
A bit late with on this story, but considering the importance of this rather unfortunate milestone, it's best you all ...
(c) British Antarctic Survey A new study that examined ice core samples found that parts of Antarctica's ice are melting ...
An often overlooked aspect of climate change is the migration of the traditionally-viewed climate line that separates the Northern and ...
There's a lot of fuss about climate modeling is definitely a hot one, with the validity of certain models (and ...
You've probably heard it a few times: the climate is indeed warming up, but it's all good, because the rate ...
Hurricane Sandy storm surge makes its way through Atlantic City, N.J. (c) 6abc Action News An extremely worrisome climate model ...
Hotter than ever, basically.
A group of international researchers assessed 17 state-of-the-art climate model simulations and based on these have found that temperature seasonality ...
A group of researchers assessed seven individual climate models and found that in each case common open water vessels will ...
A new climate model has predicted dramatic snow fall decline worldwide as a result of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide in the ...
If you're in a biology class in Europe, and you say that humans appeared on the Earth a few thousand ...
In case you didn't know, China has a massive problem with smog; the dark shroud has covered a large part ...
We knew that 2012 was the hottest year even before December - the average of the first 11 months was ...
Researchers from the University of Michigan and University College London have found that trees in the Amazon forest will be able to withstand even ...
I've received lots of emails from you people regarding climate change; as it turns out, some of you are mad ...
Negotiating an official climate change pact is an extremely high-stake game, not only due to the threats posed to our ...
In a significant blow to people who believe climate change predictions are just blowing hot air, an international study established ...
Data shows that CO2 emissions in 2012 hit 35.6 billion tonnes, showing a 2.6% increase since 2011, and 58% above ...
A recent report released by the UN and compiled by he Met Office and the University of East Anglia suggest the ...
Around the globe, local climates are changing. Maybe you haven't noticed it yet, because in most regions this is a slow ...
When the first major talks about global warming began, a top margin of 2 degrees was set for 2100, people ...
The entire Indian population depends on good crops to survive, and good crops depend on the monsoon; according to a ...
Some 12,900 years ago, a massive flood of melted freshwater in the Arctic caused a 1,200-year-long chill nicknamed the "Big ...
As the topic of climate change is frantically being discussed in every government office nowadays, a burst of solutions, some contradictory, ...
We are living in a period with a significant trend of global warming - not natural at all, despite what ...
According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, climate change models suggest that average global temperatures will likely rise ...
Arctic ice, a key indicator for global climate status, has reached another record low, lower than in computer estimates, hinting ...
Growing populations of hungry sea otters can become one of our powerful allies in the fight against global warming; why? ...
A raging issue at the moment, in both government bureaus and bar chats alike, is global warming. Is it just a natural ...
Before and after: Current and projected temperature extremes in the L.A. area. (c) UCLA A groundbreaking climate change study, which ...
Researchers from the Natural History Museum in Madrid counted chinstrap penguins in Antarctica’s South Shetland Islands in 1991-1992 and again ...
NASA announced a truly unexpected phenomena, observed under the shrinking Arctic ice: a massive algae bloom under the ice. Not ...
The big money out there is invested in climate change denial, as major oil companies fight to eliminate climate protection ...
Typically, in the tundras, tree growth is hindered by very low temperatures, and usually, in the tundra, vegetation comprises of ...
Remember the Heartland Institute advertising campaign? The one climate scientists to criminals and terrorist? If you don't let's just refresh ...
Plants are flowering much, much faster than scientists predicted in response to climate change, United States research shows, which could ...
So much for reasoned debate and scientific discussions: a controversial group bent on discrediting climate science revealed several billboards that ...
Large wind farms might have a warming effect on the local climate, a research conducted in the US claims, casting ...
In the year 2011 alone, the US faced 14 extreme weather events, while Japan registered record rainfalls and the Yangtze river ...
Antarctica is home to one of harshest environments in the world, but exactly because of this it exhibit a unique ...
A recent study performed by a team of American/Chinese scientists shows that there's a direct link between the progressive shrinking ...
Bergmann’s rule states that mammals of a given genus or species are smaller in hotter climates, and bigger in colder climates. ...
For decades, classrooms were caught in a debate between creationism and evolution, and now, teachers will once again be caught ...
A while ago NASA launched its next generation weather satellite, the Suomi NPP satellite, into low-orbit, on a mission to collect critical ...