Climate change might be threatening our wines
By the year 2050, we could see a 23% shrinkage in the land suitable for growing grapes.
By the year 2050, we could see a 23% shrinkage in the land suitable for growing grapes.
It's a feedback loop on steroids.
There's a definite rift between science and the American people.
The rift widens -- it's Trump vs the world.
Don't believe in climate change? Don't worry, you'll suffer just as well.
It also debunks one of climate deniers most cited argument.
There's a big rift between the US and the rest of the world.
Or as the experts call it, Chinese-hoax-induced heat.
Cities seem to have bigger ambitions than those of their countries.
The short of it keeps popping up in all kinds of studies: stop emissions!
Things are getting dicey.
Yet another piece of definitive evidence in the case of climate change.
Things are much worse than we thought, and you'll never guess how climate change plays into this one.
Hawaii pledges to bypass the White House and stick to the Paris Agreement.
If you're looking to power your home cleanly, here's a good place to start.
America's favorite travel destination, Hawaii, is in for some nasty times.
To put it in Trump language: It's a big, big decision which will have bad, bad consequences. SAD!
This does not bode well.
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fireeee.
Do you think they get self-conscious about their weight?
It's a sad lullaby for the songbirds -- and not just for them.
Green's the best, orange's a pest!
More and more Americans are waking up to reality but many are still left dazed and confused.
There's no reason to panic but what's certain is flights will become more uncomfortable.
It's even worse than we thought.
It's a small step, but it's a much needed step.
The US had to work harder to have a chance at achieving their climate objectives, but now -- the country's ...
I mean, the EPA is against climate change, and the military understands the threat. Is the world upside down?
These "alternative facts" go against 150 years of research.
In the US, the fox is guarding the henhouse.
The flag's blue but we're green through and through.
Humanity gives with one hand and takes with the other. We just take a lot more than we give.
Next time you go to Antarctica, pack your shorts.
Shell was aware of what they called the "catastrophic effects of climate change." They chose not to act.
NASA's satellites witnessed the dramatic breaking of the iceberg.
It's even worse than we thought.
Scotland fares particularly well, better than England and Wales.
It's an optimistic hypothesis, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility.
"Environmentalism is the biggest threat" they say.
Incoming climate change will have a drastic effect on pristine mountain habitats, a new study has found.
The night is dark and full of terror. But we won't be around to see it.
It all started when the official Twitter of the Badlands National Park in South Dakota started tweeting climate change facts.
As the newly elected president Trump starts his crusade of bashing environmentalism, a new study shows that climate change will ...
The Trump administration has effectively banned scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from talking to the media.
In case anyone had any doubts, the year that just ended was the hottest on record.
In one of his last moves as an American president, Barack Obama has ensured a significant payment for the future ...