The impacts of climate change are speeding up, major report says
The signs and impacts of global warming are speeding up, the latest report on climate change published ahead of key ...
The signs and impacts of global warming are speeding up, the latest report on climate change published ahead of key ...
More than 60 world leaders will be attending.
Around 100,000 people gathered at the rally demaded their right to a 'safe future'.
It's one of the most important treaties in modern history.
"Don't invite us here to just tell us how inspiring we are without actually doing anything about it," she said.
There is no precedent for this warming event.
The cold hard facts about ice ages.
Scientists have turned pollution into a mineral that can be embedded into concrete.
Recycling? Taking the bus? Better light bulbs? That's all good, but how about taking fewer flights, eating more plants, and ...
Ancient Arctic artifacts are disappearing as warming unfurls.
“It’s not something that’s happened with a short-term mild spell. It’s a longer-term warming which is making these things happen.”
We don't give grasslands enough credit.
Sometimes, it pays to be nasty.
If we can limit global warming, the effects are largely reduced.
Bring out those reflective roofs!
Coral decay likely will become more frequent as the intensity of marine heatwaves increases in the coming years.
Less farmland, more forests, experts say.
The humble seaweed plays a crucial role in our climate.
... and thanks to climate change, the Apavement will be hot much more often.
There is a lot to learn -- and a lot to change.
If this is true, it's very good news.
Almost two-thirds (61%) of respondents said the Conservative Government led by Johnson is not doing enough to prioritize climate actions.
Climate experts at the UK’s Met Office said there’s “no doubt” climate change is playing a role in the heatwave, ...
A total of 1.3 million species have so far been identified but many more live on the planet.
It's a stern reminder that we are changing the face of the planet.
Since the 1970s, California wildfires have increased in size eight-fold, with the annual burned area growing by nearly 500%.
Climate change is a major threat, but it doesn't tell the whole story.
Get used to monthly "hottest month" updates.
This year, Scotland generated enough wind energy to power nearly twice as many homes as there currently are in the ...
Habitat destruction and urbanization certainly played a role, but malaria might have dealt the final blow.
A lot of hot days loom over the US.
China's pollution is ironically hurting its renewable energy technology.
The need for more ambition on climate action was once more highlighted following a new report on China’s greenhouse gas ...
Still a long way to go, but it's an important step in the right direction.
How hot will your area be in 2050?
Everything is connected in nature -- and negative effects cascade.
Some are more willing than others to transition.
It's the first study that quantified the effects of lobbying on climate change policy.
This helps us understand how climate change can cause more extreme weather -- both hot and cold.
Not the kind of record we want.
Change isn't always good -- especially when it happens too quickly.
These plants will drink responsibly -- whether they want it or not!
The differences are tiny but they can add up in time to change global behavior.
Take action against climate change -- or pay up.
It's probably not what you want to hear -- but it's what needs to be done.
Next up is living car-free, avoiding airplane travel, and turning vegetarian.
If this ever happens, it would be like having crocodiles in the Arctic.
"Extreme" things generally aren't very healthy.
You could hardly imagine more deserving scientists to receive this award.