Scientists Say the Moon Was Once a Giant Ocean of Molten Rock
China’s Chang’e 6 mission uncovers evidence of a molten lunar magma ocean and a violent ancient impact.
China’s Chang’e 6 mission uncovers evidence of a molten lunar magma ocean and a violent ancient impact.
There's an app to show you how it will feel.
A key goal of the Chang'e-5 mission was to find evidence of some of the youngest volcanic eruptions on the ...
The experience will prove useful in China's future sample missions to Mars in 2030 and upcoming crew missions to the ...
Some rising tides sink all boats.
If it benefits both us and the planet, I'm happy.
"Most of the methane emissions are anthropogenic, so we have more control," the authors say.
"At the end of the day, fighting climate change is really what we need to be advocating for."
It's real, it's dangerous, but some people want to make it seem like a joke.
Climate change will force species to migrate in search of ideal living conditions, and a new paper estimates where they'll ...
"We hope this research will empower urban planners and local decision-makers to prepare to accept populations displaced by sea-level rise."
It's a big problem, for sure, but we're big problem solvers.
A nationwide average temperature of 40.9 degrees Celsius this Tuesday set a new record for the land down under.
We can accept climate change or not. It's happening either way. Image credits: NES. Back in the 1970s, both the ...
The team is currently working with climate scientists to compare the new dataset with in situ observations and with the ...
Ice takes a while to melt -- but melt it will, a new paper reports.
In matters of the farm, diversity matters.
They're listening to the science more than most politicians.
"Too hot to date" -- birds.
The trade-off, of course, is an 80 cm-higher global sea level.
Hold on to your passport!
So let's clean it up.
The American Southwest was left bone-dry between the 9th and 15th centuries by about a dozen megadroughts; they could be ...
"It's alarming to find that the majority of videos propagate conspiracy theories about climate science and technology."
"We are incredibly excited about this first discovery on the road to realizing the goals of the Harnessing Plants Initiative," ...
"I am sorry that there are people who are in power … notably, of course, the United States but also ...
"Greenhouse gas emissions trap more heat in the lower atmosphere which leads to a cooling of the upper atmosphere. Those ...
Good thing we didn't call it Iceland, right?!
"Many of the challenges we have today are the same ones they had in Çatalhöyük — only magnified," say the ...
War isn't clean, it would seem.
Things are heating up.
Old age doesn't mean 'frail'.
More like "yet another new study."
It's not the best solution, but it could help.
"Hey, I can see my house from here!"
"Both data sets demonstrate the earth's surface has been warming globally over this period, and that 2016, 2017, and 2015 ...
This is not the de-icing you are looking for.
No army can fight on an empty belly. Neither can an empire.
It's the first mission to ever land on the far side of the moon.
We're really good at setting bad standards.
"Warm" ice is a problem.
Only 23% of the world can now be considered wilderness.
We might get more 'exotic' if we dial down on the 'extinction'.
Don't forget to post some dopamine with that sarcastic comment -- it will work much better.
Well, this is an unusual problem to have.
A fresh take on an old problem.
Don't scrub your pots too hard -- you're destroying precious climate evidence!