Cat Owners Wanted for Science: Help Crack the Genetic Code of Felines
Cats are beloved family members in tens of millions of households, but we know surprisingly little about their genes.
Cats are beloved family members in tens of millions of households, but we know surprisingly little about their genes.
Your cat probably wants to play with you more than you think.
Celebrating the memory of the world's first and only astrocat.
Recent discoveries push back the arrival of domesticated cats in Europe by thousands of years.
It's not just humans and farm animals. Pets have a role to play as well.
This unusual discovery bridges a gap in the evolutionary story of felines.
Do you know what your cat is doing?
It's a relatively new type of breed -- and a pretty unusual one as well.
Cats ruining things: a tale as old as time.
It's massive but sadly, it's not a real cat.
Domestic cats kill millions of birds and other mammals every year.
It's a skill that can likely be trained, the team explains.
Is your cat securely attached to you?
"As humans, we know we need to strive to maintain a healthy weight, but for cats, there has not been ...
It's probably your fault -- of course.
The Vikings used to skin cats for their pelts.
If you own a cat, this is the paper for you.
A parasite infection generally spread by cat feces may be making some people fearless.
A new study explains what it takes to help kitty slim down.
This small cat faces large issues.
Cat allergens reduce the incidence of asthma in newborns by a factor of two.
From Egypt's pyramids to Viking longboats, cats never left our side since we invented agriculture.
F.D.C. Willard, also known as Chester, is a cat who co-authored a high-quality physics paper in 1975
This tabby cat just celebrated its 31st birthday, after recovering from a serious illness.
They're basically the opposite of claustrophobic.
The black and white cat was originally named Oscar but then became known as Unsinkable Sam. He started his "career" ...
Sprocket the cat has been fitted with an improvised 3D printed leg brace which has a good chance of saving his ...
Society has changed a lot in 2,000 years, but you know what hasn't really changed? Cats. Cats don't really care ...
We all know how therapeutic and soothing (or on the contrary, motivating) music can be; and we all know that ...
The Bistro smart cat feeder. If you've ever been to London, you might have noticed the city is packed with ...
A new cancer fighting vaccine could come from an unlikely place. Photo: Right now, I'm the happy caregiver of ...
Japanese researchers showed that cats are able to recognize their owners' voices from other voices, but because they domesticated themselves, ...