The naked mole-rat is impervious to pain and cancer, and lives ten times longer than it should — what can we learn from it?
The naked mole-rat is perhaps one of the most bizarre beasts on the planet.
The naked mole-rat is perhaps one of the most bizarre beasts on the planet.
A gene that helps our pancreata repair can also lead to sickness.
A new vaccine might one-day replace surgery for cervical cancer.
Sounds a bit too good to be true, I gotta admit!
The challenge is greater in the world’s poorest countries.
We're not all that different from the creatures with whom we share and have shared this planet.
The research could be a game-changer in the fight to save the devils.
A breakthrough research could be turned into a novel anti-cancer therapy, without chemo's side effects.
Cool, now we need to find one for the economy, too!
The work has only been tested in the lab but, so far, the results are encouraging.
The figures suggest that one in five men and one in six women will develop the disease in their lifetime.
One of the deadliest cancers may have found its match.
Humans a bringing about cancer to a staggering amount of wild species.
Next up -- clinical trials.
Attack the enemy where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
This could be a game-changer in medicine.
Anti-smoking measures really work.
After a century-long debate, doctors think they finally know what's causing ALL.
A new study brings new hope for liver cancer therapy.
Maybe you should stop using antibacterial soap.
It was like the tumor “sat like a head on top of another head,” doctors recalled.
Repetitive RNA molecules found in Huntington's disease are toxic to cancerous cells.
Bottom line: cut down on the processed foods.
This could be BIG.
This could be a game changer.
A gene mutation that makes it likely for women to develop breast cancer doesn't actually make the disease worse.
An alcohol metabolite, acetaldehyde, caused significant DNA alterations in mice stem cells.
Put that cigarette down, skip the beer, and eat more fruits and veggies -- your cancer risk will go down ...
As if cancer wasn't problematic enough...
Put that glass down, researchers warn.
This could be a revolution in cancer prevention and therapy.
Zap the cancer away.
Genetic sequencing could pave the way for a new age of cancer detection.
All you need is carrot juice and beetroot. Sheesh...
It's now possible to see how individual cancer cells move through the body of a mouse.
You can trust a dog's nose.
This translates into 2.1 million averted deaths, showing that cancer research and prevention screening works.
It's not just your lungs either.
I'd expect nothing less from the Tasmanian devils.
This tiny thing can analyze 8 samples at once.
Scientists discovered how cancerous cells hide from immune system -- and how to make them targets again.
When all hope was thought to be lost, selection came to the rescue.
Not a modern-day disease after all.
Chemists at the Ohio State University developed a paper strip technology that might save countless lives in rural Africa, and ...
Microsoft researchers data mined health queries and detected pancreatic cancer symptoms before the user even thought about it.