Scientists uncover how aspirin may help stop cancer from spreading
It's a promising finding. This doesn't mean you should go and take an aspirin right now.
It's a promising finding. This doesn't mean you should go and take an aspirin right now.
Scientists discover how blood donations quietly change your blood cells.
A massive new study found that eating more butter is linked to higher mortality.
A quick 45-minute blood test could be a game-changer for pancreatic cancer detection.
Scientists turn Peto's paradox on its head.
After decades of debate, the FDA has finally banned Red Dye No. 3, a synthetic food coloring linked to cancer ...
How researchers are refining a key method to develop better cancer treatments.
The seemingly immortal hydra may hold the key to unraveling the mysteries of both eternal youth and a rare, chilling ...
Did you know tattooed people have a 21 percent higher chance of developing lymphoma?
In the radioactive exclusion zone of Chernobyl the immune systems of wild wolves have undergone striking adaptation.
It's the same mRNA technology that was used in coronavirus vaccines.
ADCs target cancer cells with precision, offering a promising advance in minimizing treatment side effects.
Researchers believe it could have deaths by this cancer every year
MIT researchers develop new technology that could be ground-breaking
It’s mRNA-based, the same technology Moderna used for its Covid-19 vaccine.
Early results suggest the drug shows good anti-cancer activity in patients with advanced cancer.
It could help increase survival rates, especially in children.
The weed-killing chemical is in the spotlight for its health risks yet again.
This approach could be a complete game changer for cancer treatments.
Medical science is making some incredible strides.
That's an unprecedented result for any type of cancer.
A healthy, balanced diet and active lifestyle can help drastically reduce the risk of a womb cancer diagnosis.
It's a targeted approach that may shrink tumors without hurting healthy tissue.
Two studies found genetic-based changes in the cervix that can detect other cancers.
Although it can't tell us what type of cancer a patient is suffering from, it can tell us that it's ...
Extra copies of genes, known as duplications, help the giant tortoises live a long and prosperous life.
The clinical benefits are astonishing in some cases.
The cheap and iconic drug could improve chemotherapy in patients with triple-negative breast cancer.
Although not yet conclusive, the findings are quite encouraging.
It could be a game changer in our fight against cancer
It's a simple, non-invasive test that could diagnose brain cancer before it gets the chance to wreak havoc.
It should be significantly safer for patients than traditional methods.
Hopefully, future tests will support these findings.
It doesn't attack them directly, but strips tumors of their defense.
Cancer seems to have hijacked a survival mechanism employed by hibernating animals during times of high stress.
Killing cancer with style.
Even the mighty fall sick.
There’s more to gum disease than just bad breath.
The coronavirus has all our attention now, but all the other problems in our society are still there.
It's an observational study, so take it with a grain of salt.
But despite Trump's bragging, this is not owed to his administration.
In these conditions, a human expert can detect a tumor in about 30 minutes. The AI can do it in ...
Asbestos is a really useful mineral but it's also incredibly dangerous to handle.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is why researchers turned to eye-tracking technology to perfect their work ...
Bacteria that cause ulcers and gastric cancer are becoming increasingly resistant to our antibiotics.
This new system should, in theory, be effective against multiple cancer types, including those currently resistant to immunotherapy.
The findings suggest that vaping might cause lung cancer.
Researchers want to approach cancer like an infectious disease.
The eNose can inform doctors whether or not immunotherapy is the right course of action.
So far, the test has been shown to work in mice