Cave Bones in Britain Point to a 4,000-Year-Old Massacre So Brutal It May Have Included Cannibalism
It's Britain's bloodiest prehistoric massacre.
It's Britain's bloodiest prehistoric massacre.
The British Industrial Revolution didn't begin in the 1760s, it had started way back in the 1600s but even historians ...
The new discoveries could shed light on how life was like beyond the wall for the "barbarian" tribes.
The perfect companion for anyone interested in British habitats -- whether you're a traveler, naturalist, or just curious.
These structures are thousands of years old and the reasons why they were built are still poorly understood.
The farmers did not interbreed with local foragers.
Caesar's incursion in Britain might have been more successful than we thought.
It's an important milestone, but there's still a long way to go.
The United Kingdom has announced drafts for a sugar tax set to begin in April 2018, addressing the country's growing ...
Their previous plans to clean the air were ruled to fall illegally short of the mark.
It's good to be Queen. But it's even better to be the Queen's elms.
Archaeologists are still divided on what the finding actually means.
Did you know it rains more in Miami, Orlando and NYC than in London?
I had some good laughs reading data from a survey published last week that outlined the blurred perspective between science ...
Seahorses are just as elusive as they are cute, so diver Neil Garrick-Maidment, the executive director of the Seahorse Trust ...