Creative thinking requires more checks and balances that you’d think
Creative thinking requires the simultaneous activation of two distinct networks in the brain, the associative and normative networks. Higher connectivity ...
Creative thinking requires the simultaneous activation of two distinct networks in the brain, the associative and normative networks. Higher connectivity ...
How eyesight works and other functions.
Brain scans of nearly 200 adolescent boys recorded as part of a new study performed in South Korea show that ...
Columbia University researchers have successfully identified the cellular network that allows mice to remember which environments are safe and which ...
In a collaborative effort by the Oregon Healthy and Science University and the University of Pittsburgh researchers have been able ...
Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, looking into the effects depression has on the brain ...
Northwestern University neuroscientists have developed a method that allows them to pinpoint communicating neurons in a living fly's brain -- ...
What generates the different takes on the same problem between men and women? It's not the brain -- we know ...
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, or so the old adage goes. But it's wrong.
We all know that men like to impress the fairer members of our species, and this permeates into almost everything ...
A paper published recently in Nature Communications details how a team lead by Dr. Ben Wilson and Professor Chris Petkov ...
Scientists at the Georgia State University, Georgia Regents University and Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center found that the brain uses ...
It was a finding that sent ripples throughout the entire paleontology community. Met with heavy criticism, the authors are now ...
Women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) show elevated levels of testosterone and testosterone derivatives in their systems, as well ...
Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed implantable devices ...
The blood-brain barrier has been broken for the first time in history, and this can revolutionize some areas of cancer ...
We're living in the future.
Money. It makes the brain go nuts!
A preliminary study from Switzerland, published this month in the Annals of Neurology, proved the effectiveness of a new method ...
What exactly makes you thirsty? Dehydration, obviously, but how does your brain know that your body needs water? And how ...
Prosthetics has come a long way from its humble beginnings – the crude wooden legs of yore are a far ...
Scientists have developed devices that move us one step closer towards eliminating the need for animal testing. These working miniature ...
Each memory relies on three critical elements, those being the "what," "where" and "when" building blocks. Neuroscientists from MIT have ...
University of Washington researchers have created the first telepathic link between two humans. Their technique didn't rely on supernatural powers, ...
A 28-year old who has been paralyzed for more than a decade following a spinal cord injury has become the first person ...
Humans are naturally lazy, as they'll always find a way to execute a movement, even a simple act like walking, ...
Though initially made for narcoleptics (people having trouble sleeping), many soon caught on that modafinil can enhance cognitive abilities. Right ...
Several cultural beliefs and modern social practices may hinder children's mental, moral and emotional development, finds a study by an ...
One of the most peculiar languages in the world, whistled Turkish, is challenging the long-standing idea that the left brain ...
Something as simple as eating more leafy veggies could significantly slow down cognitive decline and keep your brain healthier for ...
Neuroscientists have long posited that memories last as long as the connections in the brain, but putting this theory to ...
Researchers at MIT have now identified a neural circuit that they believe underpins decision-making in situations such as this, and ...
It's no secret that TV food commercials stimulate pleasure and reward centers in the brain, after all advertisers wouldn't pay ...
Researchers have long theorized that the superior temporal sulcus (STS) is involved in processing speech rhythms, but it's only recently ...
Researchers at UC Santa Barbara made a simple neural circuit comprised of 100 artificial synapses, which they used to classify ...
Neuroscientists at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have created an out-of-body illusion in participants placed inside a brain scanner to ...
We've all had days when we've felt invisible metaphorically, but Swedish researchers have taken it to the next level - ...
In the quest to understand what are the crucial differences between human and chimpanzee brains, scientists have isolated a stretch ...
City smog significantly lowers children's IQ, while also raising the risk for Alzheimers disease. A new study has found that ...
An exciting research found baby chicks also use the mental number lines employed by humans to count numbers, representing them ...
The human brain is often described as the most beautiful organism in the Universe. We say this because of the ...
For most people, brains are pretty similar - our connections follow the same pattern, and while there are certainly exceptions, ...
We like big butts and I know why: because it helps babies develop their brains properly. Researchers have found that ...
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found a way to enlarge and map brain samples. This inexpensive ...
Widespread use of computers is said to make people dumber or more prone to forgetfulness. It's true, while we're less ...
Arguably the most efficient predator in the world today is the dragonfly, which boats a 95% success rate. Obviously, there's ...
Really bad experiences, like going through a particularly stressful or frighting situation, are a lot easier to remember than the things ...
Just one week of camping in the wild (or in any area without man-made light) can reset your body clock ...
Oh, boy. This week's freaky science story comes from the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York where researchers ...
Music is almost ubiquitous in our lives - we hear it in commercials, in the car, on the radio, at ...