Scientists achieve brain-to-brain communication between humans
Not exactly telepathy but darn close, that's for sure.
Not exactly telepathy but darn close, that's for sure.
It works incredibly fast -- in mice, so far.
A key molecular switch that can make ape brain organoids grow more like human organoids.
The mini-brains were able to learn how to play the game faster than an AI.
Know the signs and act FAST.
Still a ways to go, but it’s an important step.
Both neural and galactic networks have the same structure, pointing to a fractal universe.
They call it a "perfect", "totally unprecedented" specimen.
It could point the way to new treatments for both conditions.
Scientists find that birds are more human-like than previously thought.
Variety is not always the spice of life.
Fans of Limitless, prepare to be disappointed.
We now know why this compound is key to a successful pregnancy, in animals and humans alike.
Two hemispheres are better than one!
Cat owners, rejoice: your body can deal with this parasite just fine.
The brains of non-speaking mammals seem to recognize letters using an area of the visual cortex.
Desk jobs might not always be fun, but they could be healthy.
The team believes most of these symptoms are caused by our immune response, not the virus.
Although popularized by a "paranormal consultant", the effect is real.
The hybrid system forms connections that mimic how learning occurs in the brain.
The ability to disconnect from the environment, in a reversible way, is a central feature of sleep.
We're still years away from a useable treatment, but we are pursuing it.
Bliss, it seems, may actually come in a pill after all.
"There's never been a therapy for treatment-resistant depression that's broken 55% remission rates in open-label testing," the team says.
Bee brains seem to use alpha waves similarly to primate brains.
All the sci-fi I read as a kid is becoming just sci.
"This the first time modern technology has been used to explore the brain of this amazing animal."
"This suggests that loss of synapses could underlie the development of schizophrenia," the authors explain.
Somewhere in Trinidad, killifish are growing more brain cells to avoid predators.
In these conditions, a human expert can detect a tumor in about 30 minutes. The AI can do it in ...
There are many misconceptions of what to do when someone is having a seizure. (Image: Epilepsy Foundation) As Hippocrates once ...
We like it easy... but not too easy.
This could lead to new treatments for certain mental illnesses.
A new study reports that there are four broad categories for the motivations that drive human behavior: prominence, inclusiveness, negativity ...
A most surprising connection.
Unlike most of us, rats seem to find driving relaxing. The impromptu vehicle.Image credits University of Richmond. A team of ...
The repeated blows to the head involved in tackle football may put many players at a huge risk of developing ...
The findings could lead to novel therapies for emotional health.
People aged 60 or older who regularly drink tea had brain regions that were interconnected in a more efficient way.
The brain seems to treat how it listens and recalls music in opposite directions.
The findings are exciting -- but they also raise important ethical questions. Could someday lab-grown brains become conscious?
It's a bit unusual, to say the least -- but could be quite useful.
"It is stunning to observe how suggestions can influence brain activity," the authors say.
Tag one of your #trivia-nerd friends.
Healthy body, healthy mind.
A new study explains our tendency to overconsume digital information whether its social media or clickbait.
This could be transformative for so many people suffering from speech impairment.
The secret to success is to take a short break, often.