Check this out: mind blowing Virtual Reality simulation of the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole
It's simply mesmerizing.
The late physicist's very last paper offers new insight into the black hole information paradox.
Dark matter makes up most of the universe -- and we still don't really know what it is.
It's the first time astronomers have achieved this feat.
It's the hungriest thing we've ever seen.
An incredibly fruitful mission sheds new secrets about the Milky Way.
For the first time, astronomers have managed to confirm the existence of a black hole population surrounding the core of ...
Looks like we can expect more gravitational waves in the near future.
Another discovery that cements black holes' fundamental role in the evolution of the universe.
It's the farthest, oldest, and perhaps most mysterious object we've ever discovered.
An ingenious technique could enable us to witness some of the strongest gravitational waves.
If confirmed, this could indicate a remarkable progress in modern physics.
Sometimes, even a black hole can choke on its meal.
This is one slow dance.
Your childhood fantasies weren't all that off.
Ready to sink your teeth into some black holes?
Why blow up when you can mass up?
This was thought to be impossible to undertake until not too long ago.
In the aftermath of a titanic galactic battle, a merged black hole caused some waves.
A new study offers an unorthodox explanation for how supermassive black hole formed in the early Universe.
Many more might be lurking in the galaxy.
And things are about to get even more exciting.
What we do know is that it blasts enormously powerful X-rays into the void.
Astronomers used to think black holes feed exclusively on a hot gas and dust, but it seems they sometimes like ...
We may actually get to see a black hole!
At the heart of virtually every galaxy, including the Milky Way, is a supermassive blackhole that's anywhere from hundreds of ...
Nothing can escape a black hole, not even light, any scientists schooled in modern physics will tell you. Eminent British ...
Astronomers have discovered a humongous supermassive black hole that's 12 billion times as massive as the Sun. What's peculiar about ...
The team behind Interstellar's awesome special effects meant business when they set out to emulate space, celestial objects and black ...
Image Credits:NASA/CXC/UCLA/Z.LI AND NRAO/VLA Two decades ago, astronomers started to find evidence that almost all galaxies have a supermassive black ...
The Illustris project took 5 years of software development and 3 months running on 8000 processors - but it sure was ...
Credits: X-RAY: NASA/CXC/UNIV OF MICHIGAN/R.C.REIS ET AL; OPTICAL: NASA/STSCI About half of the Universe's lifetime ago, it was feasting time ...
Via Universe Today. Black holes have fascinated both researchers and laymen for decades. Without a doubt, they are the point ...
This same exact statement, ‘There are no black holes’, would be clearly criticized or not even taken into consideration. But ...
In a black hole, Albert Einstein's theory of gravity clashes with quantum physics; for decades, scientists have tried to find ...
An artist’s conception of the processes by which a star collapses and becomes a black hole, releasing high-energy gamma rays ...
A black hole is simple and clear, at least according to the model proposed in 1963 by Roy Kerr; his ...
This galaxy weighs more than 200 million suns, over half of which is concentrated within a radius of just 80 ...
At the heart of virtually every large galaxy lurks a supermassive black hole with a mass of a million to ...
The overwhelming part of the universe is still a mystery to astronomers - and most of what we know is ...
Astronomers have discovered 26 likely black holes in the Andromea Galaxy - the biggest number of black holes ever found ...
Black holes are the single most interesting and puzzling objects in our Universe - that we know of. But as ...
Artist illustration of the supermassive black hole consuming on a substellar object. (C) ESA In an unexpected discovery, astronomers have ...
ESA’s XMM-Newton space telescope has found a star and a black hole that orbit each other at the whopping rate ...
This is not really news, but it's so awesome I just had to share it. Astronomers in England have discovered ...
Artist's impression of a spinning supermassive black hole with a surrounding accretion disk and relativistic jets. (c) NASA/JPL Astronomers have ...
This highly distorted supernova remnant may contain the most recent black hole formed in the Milky Way galaxy. The composite ...
The new view of spiral galaxy IC 342, also known as Caldwell 5. (c) NASA Launched just last year, NASA's Nuclear ...
Astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) have discovered the most powerful quasar outflow discovered to date - five times more ...