Tiny “Water Bear” Protein Could Help Shield Cancer Patients From Radiation
This protein from tardigrades may hold the key to protecting healthy tissues during cancer radiation treatment.
This protein from tardigrades may hold the key to protecting healthy tissues during cancer radiation treatment.
Nanopasta might not make it to your dinner plate, but its ultrathin structure could revolutionize wound care.
They found the formula for synthetic production using yeast.
This bacterium has a lot in common with power companies. Power companies use copper wires to channel electricity (and therefore, ...
MIT engineers have created genetic circuits in bacterial cells that not only perform logic functions, but also remember the results, ...
Harnessing the oscillation of magnetic microscopic beads, MIT scientists have carried out experiments which show that it's possible to develop ...
A team led by researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Harvard University have built this remarkable display ...
Be it a bacteria or a fully complex being, say a human, all living, biological organisms undergo lighting fast protein ...
Scientists at University of California have successfully managed to engineer a new kind of hydrogels, capable of self-healing, which can ...
University of Nottingham researchers are currently involved in synthetic biology project, whose scope and prospects are so ambitious, that if ...
Scientists at London's Imperial College have successfully managed to create biological logic gates, indispensible for the production of electronical devices, ...
The carbon dioxide problem has been give much less attention than alternative fuel or biomass-derived energy production yet it is ...