Ethiopia's unique church forests are losing their biodiversity.
Things are not hopeless, but we need to act -- now.
Saving biodiversity makes more sense than waiting millions of years for it to re-evolve.
Well, here's a surprise.
Things are heating up.
It will keep you civil on a Monday morning and keep some bird species happy -- it's coffee!
The project wouldn't have been possible without the support of local communities.
If we want to save the planet, we need to keep it diverse.
Lots of mouths to feed.
Scientists make a stance by marching for science and wildlife.
If we don't do it, we're just as screwed as them.
Removing invasive plants and restoring native ones does a great deal to help pollination, a new study finds.
We use so much of everything so fast that it's literally killing the planet.
Our houses are teeming with tiny insects, but have no fear - not only are they harmless, they might help ...
Scientists have discovered what they thought to a different species of chameleon - but DNA analysis revealed that they were ...
Some areas of South America are so special and magical... that you might even find a dragon - or actually, ...
An indigenous leader of the Shuar people who was openly opposing a major mining project in Ecuador has been found bound ...
Global wildlife populations have decreased by more than half, concludes a new report released by the WWF. The extent of ...
President Obama has signed a proclamation which will make the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument the largest marine reserve in the ...
Norway will pay impoverished African country Liberia $150m (£91.4m) to entirely stop deforestation by 2020. Liberia is one of the poorest ...
It may seem like a shock for many people (especially those outside America) that it takes research to know livestock ...
There are more people in the world than at any point in history, and the advent of technology has brought ...
There are millions of species on Earth, and naturally understanding the mechanics of evolution is of great importance for understanding ...
If current climate change trends continue, rising sea levels could prove devastating for low lying coastal areas around the globe, ...
The world's oceans are teeming with life, a new census estimating almost 1 million species out there; but marine life ...
According to researchers, thousands and thousands of bacteria types (some new to science) can be found in your belly button ...
The world we're living in seems to be heading towards a mass extinction, in which humanity plays a crucial role. ...
Without more careful monitoring and efforts, some protected reserves are actually doing worse off than before. Wikimedia Commons Biodiversity helps ...
This month, the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, an United Nations conference where various issues where ...
According to the World Wildlife Fund's annual Living Planet report, humans are using Earth's resources at a rate 1.5 times greater ...
It's always nice when new species are discovered, and this time it was an expedition from Papua New Guinea that ...
The race for oil drilling is tougher than ever, and the effects are quite often extremely damaging for the environment ...