Just 12% of Americans are responsible for eating half of all beef
Excessive beef consumption is not only bad for your health, but also hurts the environment.
Excessive beef consumption is not only bad for your health, but also hurts the environment.
It's a very slight change for a huge payoff. It's also quite tasty!
Both contain important compounds that the other lacks.
You don't even need to become a vegetarian.
The bottom line? Eat less meat!
The takeaway message is simple: eat less meat, especially beef.
If Americans ate beans instead of beef, the U.S. would realize 50 to 75% of its 2020 GHG-reduction targets.
A massive, 200 million yuan (over $31 million) commercial animal cloning facility will be built in the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development ...
Agriculture is a big driver of climate change, with the meat industry standing out among the rest as a source ...