The smallest lifeform imaged:150,000 cells could fit onto the tip of a human hair
US researchers have imaged for the first time ultra-small bacteria, whose existence has been debatable for the past couple of ...
US researchers have imaged for the first time ultra-small bacteria, whose existence has been debatable for the past couple of ...
Here's another reason for children to do their chores: washing dishes by hand boosts children's immune system. The findings were ...
We know that things like eye or skin colour are encoded in our DNA and passed down by our parents, ...
A new liquid-infused polymer can make sure that medical equipment is bacteria free by being extremely slippery. This technology, which ...
Researchers in Germany report the discovery a previously unknown bacterial communication pathway, one that might be a potential target for ...
A new study has found that chewing gum is actually effective at cleaning your mouth of bacteria - but only ...
Using innovative microfluidics devices, US researchers were able to study thousands of bacteria individually, something extremely difficult if not impossible ...
The bright, rainbow-colored thermal pools of Yellowstone park may owe their spectacular color to tourist pollution, a new study suggests. ...
Among evidence analyzed during a rape-related crime investigation, one of the best clues that might incriminate a suspect are pubic ...
One of the most fundamental question evolutionary biologists are trying to answer is how did multicellular life evolve from single celled ...
Houses of the future might be built with bacteria - at least partially. It may sound like science fiction, but ...
Researchers at the University of Bristol used a complex computer simulation to determine how enzymes in bacteria breakdown antibiotics, rendering ...
Gut bacteria may influence what we want to eat. GIF: University of California Our gut hosts an enormous population of ...
The stunning 'HeLa cell Pattern 1.' Courtesy of Vik Muniz and Tal Danino. Cellular biology can be breathtakingly exciting. Just imaging ...
Bacteria living in obscure environments use an extremely rare process to harvest energy and produce oxygen from sunlight - but they ...
Scientists introduced Clostridium novyi, a bacteria that causes mild illnesses in humans that typically lurks inside the soil and feces, in ...
Hadza women roasting tubers.© Alyssa Crittenden You could be sitting alone and still be completely outnumbered for your body is ...
It's a truly terrifying story, and a truly terrifying disease. The flesh-eating culprit in question is called GAS, or Group A ...
An international team of scientists believe they have across the "microbial Pompeii" after they found preserved bacteria and microscopic particles of food ...
Researchers at MIT found that individual cells in a bacterial colony will grow in a manner that is beneficial to ...
Drug resistant bacteria (immune to almost all antibiotics) are dreaded by patients and physicians alike. Finding them in hospitals is ...
Your gut is home to some 100 trillion bacteria - more than the entire number of cells in the whole ...
An estimate 20% of Americans use some of form of psychotropic medication, amounting to a $34 billion industry. Desperate to ...
To say that finding evidence of how life on Earth was 3.5 billion years ago is hard would be an ...
Researchers have found that methane-decomposing bacteria from hot springs need rare earths to produce the energy they need to survive. ...
A drug treated with a special dye allows doctors to monitor real-time bacterial growth. Despite advancements in technology and despite ...
It almost seems too good to be true - a novel device that uses only sunlight and wastewater to produce ...
How do organs such as the heart or kidneys know when to stop growing? A number of theories have been ...
Faeces based treatment halts the advance of Clostridium difficile bacteria, but a commercial treatment is still far away. Clostridium difficile ...
(C) Youtube screenshot Loliginidae, also known as pencil squids, are formidable animals that can change their colour matching their surroundings ...
A surprisingly diverse range of life forms exists deep in the oceanic crust, but they live at an extremely slow ...
Our bodies are hosts to some hundreds of thousands of bacteria that live in harmony with each other, helping the ...
It may not seem like much, but by differentiating between bacterial and viral fevers, this new test could help doctors ...
A team of researchers from the US claim they have finally found tangible evidence that will once and for all ...
A team of researchers at Princeton University have devised an experimental set-up that closely mimics the flow of bacteria through ...
Researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine came across a particular strain of bacteriophage - a virus that infects and replicates within ...
It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's... microbes ?! High up in the atmosphere, 10.000 meters above ground, ...
About one in three breads is thrown away because it gets too tough and infected, and thus inedible, because of ...
The reason why we don't trade with gold, diamonds or cheese is because these do no offer the exact interchangeable value. Money ...
According to researchers, thousands and thousands of bacteria types (some new to science) can be found in your belly button ...
Mucous cells on the stomach lining Bacteria biofilms, when formed, pose a significant health risk in industrial applications, like food ...
In an extremely exciting find, scientists at Aarhus University in Denmark found a type of bacteria that creates electrical currents on ...
Remember when, in 2010, we told you about a team of researchers which claimed they found a bacteria that feasts ...
In what can only be described as a milestone in biological and genetic engineering, scientists at Stanford University have, for ...
By creating this microbiome catalog, researchers hope to figure out the complex interactions between the countless microbes in our bodies ...
Darwin's theory of natural selection illustrates perfectly what evolution is all about, the survival of the fittest if you will. ...
Researchers studying marine bacteria in the Bahamas' underwater caves, have made some remarkable discoveries which allowed to understand how these ...
We at ZME Science love futuristic designs, but above all we love innovative energy efficient solutions. The latest avantgarde lighting ...
Scientists at London's Imperial College have successfully managed to create biological logic gates, indispensible for the production of electronical devices, ...
Ever since uranium has been mined and atomic bombs have been tested, some areas have had to deal with the ...