Scientists Take “Baby Picture” of the Infant Universe and Then Weigh It. Here’s What Its First 380,000 Years Tell Us
If today's Universe were an adult human, at 380,000 years old it would be only a few hours old.
If today's Universe were an adult human, at 380,000 years old it would be only a few hours old.
From black holes to white holes. Who would've thought?
This incredible image captures the ghost of a supernova 100 light-years across.
NASA has captured the holiday spirit in space with stunning images of NGC 602 and NGC 2264.
Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have discovered a massive, dormant black hole from just 800 million years after ...
Two spacecraft will create artificial eclipses to study the Sun’s corona.
Like the Sun, black holes also have a corona.
New observations suggest that the universe’s oldest galaxies are brighter than expected. Here's why this may be a big deal.
This is the closest pair detected in the local universe using multiwavelength (visible and X-ray light) observations.
Researchers developed a 3D star formation simulation, good enough to make you gaze at the example video for a while.
The study found magnetic phenomena in the center of the Milky Way that resemble those in our solar system
84.4% of the matter in the universe is something that we don’t really understand yet.
The study of molten exoplanets around Sun-like stars may provide answers as to the formation of Earth-like planets and the ...
The galaxies date from the so-called cosmic Dark Ages.
It almost sounds too cheesy to be true: NASA wants to send a shuttle to an asteroid, pluck a piece ...
A team led by astronomers at The Australian National University has discovered what they believe to be the oldest star ...
The world, known as HD189733b, has a deep azure hue, probably the result of molten silicate glass rain in the ...
One of the most outstanding dreams astronomers and other scientists hope to accomplish is to someday encounter proof that extraterestrial ...
Astronomers at UC Santa Cruz have set a new benchmark for cosmological research for decades to come maybe, after successfully simulating ...
Incredibly enough, using a a simple, standard issued astrophotography set-up, amateur astronomer Scott Ferguson was able to film in incredible detail ...
Since 1995, over 500 planets that don't orbit our Sun have been discovered, with the numbers increasing more and more ...
An intriguing hypothesis was brought up by Professor Bernard Carr from Queen Mary University in London and Professor Alan Coley ...
In case you have no idea who Carl Sagan is... well, you should, basically. Carl Sagan is one of those ...
In 2004, NASA researchers identified the Apophis asteroid and after some quick calculations they states there is a chance the ...
The discovery of 9 new planets raises some serious questions on the matter of how planets are formed. Two astronomers ...
There are many things we have yet to find out about Saturn, but the Cassini probe has definitely shed some ...
The Planet Researchers have long been interested in finding other planets that have approximately the same size as our mother ...
As I was writing in a previous post, Titan is quite unique, in that aside from our planet it's the ...
You may or may not have heard about blue stragglers; they are blue stars that are hotter and bluer than ...