Doomsday part 6: asteroid strike
You've seen it on the news, so you know it's true. Your 8 o'clock special news report showcases in a ...
You've seen it on the news, so you know it's true. Your 8 o'clock special news report showcases in a ...
Between Oct. 28 and Oct. 30, NASA's Deep Space Network antenna in California was directed on "2007 PA8", a one ...
Vesta is "peppered" with carbon materials which researchers believe were left behind by asteroids gently striking its surface. Vesta is ...
Artist impression of the Apophis asteroid. No, this isn't one of those misleading headlines. A MIT graduate student has recently ...
According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, climate change models suggest that average global temperatures will likely rise ...
It's one asteroid down and one to go, for NASA's Dawn spacecraft. After spending a year studying the Vesta asteroid ...
While NASA gives all sort of fun names to missions, projects, telescopes - asteroids is not their slickest field. Names ...
Ed Lu, Chairman of the B612 Foundation, shows the telescope of a model of the Sentinel Space Telescope during a ...
The plot of the Hollywood blockbuster flick Armageddon is fairly simple - a giant asteroid is hurling towards Earth, threatening ...
A recently published study suggests that the Earth might have been visited by a giant space rock 13,000 years ago, ...
According to NASA, a large asteroid called 2005 YU55 is expected to pass at some 201,700 miles of Earth on ...
Black holes are perhaps the most fascinating and staggering objects in the known Universe, and we are just now beginning ...
Most of us tend to believe the Earth is a safe heaven, with little regard to outerwordly consequences. The truth ...
Armageddon can wait, NASA's in charge for a little while longer. The space agency recently released to the general public ...
It wasn't just a devastating asteroid that killed off all the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Scientists from Boston University ...
This weekend, NASA's DAWN spacecraft finally put a lot of tension and nerves to rest after it successfully entered Vesta's ...
After a four year journey, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft will finally reach the orbit of Vesta, the second largest asteroid in ...
This Monday (June 27), an asteroid the size of a bus just buzzed our planet after a flyby which brought ...
NASA announced that it will launch an unmaned ship to a nearby asteroid, in an attempt to figure out more ...
Astronomers from the the Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland declared that a recently discovered asteroid has been following our planet ...
Researchers and astronomy amateurs alike should leave a few days open in their November calendar and prepare for something awesome; ...
In 2004, NASA researchers identified the Apophis asteroid and after some quick calculations they states there is a chance the ...
JAXA, the Japanese space agency is becoming more and more active these days, as Japanese researchers are getting involved in ...
An asteroid threat to Earth seems like something we are going to have to face, sooner or later - and ...
We've all seen at least one movie in which our planet is destroyed, but most of them were quite repetitive ...
In 1980, Luis Alvarez and his team shocked the whole world when they announced their theory that an asteroid impact ...
A very small asteroid exploded over the continent of Africa this week, confirming the prediction of astronomers. Despite the fact ...