Researchers develop ‘living skin’ and graft it onto a robotic finger
Researchers have successfully grown self-healing ‘human-like’ skin on a robotic finger.
Researchers have successfully grown self-healing ‘human-like’ skin on a robotic finger.
It's geology on fast forward.
The AI is "learning how people solve a specific type of problem and creating new design solutions from scratch."
The technology isn't yet ready for the market -- but it's not far off, either.
I can hardly beleaf it!
As the cells are much more robust and self-sufficient than previous 'models', they can be employed even in less-than-ideal or changing conditions.
It's like cells wearing power-armor!
Your body probably won't even tell the difference.
The 21st century biggest musical prodigy might turn out to be a machine.
It's also bio-compatible -- are our brains getting an update?
Even nylon is getting ripped and I still won't hit the gym.