The Smell of Gods: Ancient Greek and Roman Statues Were Once Not Only Painted But Also Perfumed
Ancient artists used perfume to bring their statue to life.
Ancient artists used perfume to bring their statue to life.
There's a reason why viewers can't look away from Vermeer's masterpiece.
"If change is the only constant in nature, it is written in the language of geometry."
It doesn't look like much to the untrained eye, but experts say it could be a 130,000-year-old sculpture.
This 11,000 year-old scene is quite the artistic roller coaster.
It's not perfect, but it's a start!
More and more evidence suggests that Neanderthals were just as feeling and thinking creatures as humans.
It has an exposure time of 8 years.
Can robots play a part in producing art? This team believes so.
Humidity from the breath of museum goers have gradually degraded the colors of the famous painting.
Indonesia may be the home of the oldest cave paintings of hunting bands found in the world. A section of ...
Every year, the British Ecological Society runs the photo competition to "celebrate the diversity of ecology".
It's the first find of its kind in the area.
That's not a typo. The authors were surprised, too.
The painting doubled in value, since this is Banksy world and normal rules don't seem to apply.
Artwork from waaaay before Photoshop.
Tip of the hat to the people who make science books so, so pretty.
It's supposed to be an art project, but you be the judge.
Even centuries later, science is able to decrypt some of art's biggest controversies.
Israeli-Dutch artist Itamar Gilboa has started a new project where he monitored everything he ate during a year and made ...
"A laugh star floating in space, above all our heads, is my attempt to create a contemporary metaphor for the ...
An artsy calendar that makes you stop and think about how you spend your time -- with a bit of ...
There were some pretty epic works of art made throughout the Middle Ages and especially the Renaissance. But these elephants ...
A new type of metamaterial that can grow when stretched, with possible applications for medical equipment and satellites, was inspired ...
The Sun is easily the most recognizable and important star that humanity has ever known. And yet, those who want ...
German researchers from the University of Tubingen have devised an algorithm that analyzes a painting and then applies that style of ...
I just love it when stuff that's thrown away becomes a part of something new and valuable - upcycling, as ...
The 2nd prize was won by Thomas Deerink, from the University of California, San Diego, for a rat brain cerebellum, ...
Often called a "Digital Age Leonardo da Vinci", Alexander Tsiaras is a digital innovator, technologist and artist. You might know him ...
Using nothing but birth and death records, sociologists at Northeastern University developed a working framework that details the migration patterns ...
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), recently initiated a bold and creative project in which they enlisted six member ...
We've all come to love and cherish the visionary images of astronauts out in space in their spacesuits. There's something ...
Almost all Nobel prize laureates are active in an artistic field as well as in science. They are 25 times ...
In a time when a thing called the space race was in full swing, technological advance and cocky egos made ...
Art is a relative term, especially in these modern times. In its most accepted term, art is the deliberate process ...