Sharks Aren’t Silent After All. This One Clicks Like a Castanet
This is the first evidence of sound production in a shark.
This is the first evidence of sound production in a shark.
In the perilous world of cephalopod romance, male blue-lined octopuses have evolved a shocking strategy to survive mating.
New research reveals that both bonobos and chimpanzees use sexual behavior to ease social tension
A dog might skip a better meal just to eat from a bowl in his favorite color — yellow.
It seems that animals simply love to play.
Scientists believe this could be a form of social bonding — or even an unusual way of smelling through touch.
Life is tough as an alpha male — if you're a baboon.
Even bathroom habits can reveal the social lives of our closest relatives.
Hiccups aren't just a human quirk—they're a shared trait among mammals like dogs and wolves.
Just like some of us enjoy rusk dipped in coffee or tea, intelligent cockatoos delight in eating rusk dipped in ...
California ground squirrels surprise scientists with their newly discovered taste for mammalian flesh.
Sonic imaging revealed millions of fish killed in epic feeding frenzy.
Elephants seem to not only know how to use the hose, but also how to intentionally interfere with others using ...
If you think it's tough to sleep on land, try sleeping in the sea.
Ethanol is more than a human invention. New research reveals how animals across ecosystems encounter and adapt to ethanol.
Could kissing be a relic from our ancestors' grooming practices? A new study explores the origins.
They say an elephant never forgets, and according to this new study, that's not far from the truth.
Octopuses are getting more and more interesting with each new study.
It turns out mosquitoes have even more ways to hunt us down.
These amphibian ladies will resort to extreme tactics if that means avoiding pestering males.
Videos show that leeches can jump in pursuit of blood, ending an age-long debate among biologists.
Animals can't talk or express their feelings but an AI can help us understand their behavior.
Who knew young dolphins like to play doctor and nurse.
Mice are curious creatures, and we might have underestimated their curiosity.
Brittle star behaviour is more complex than we thought.
Scientists are still learning new things about why your furry pet purrs but cats are confusing them with their adorable ...
Can't even blame them, I stay awake till 4 am for the same reason.
Different ant species employ various tactics to forage food and keep the colony in tip top shape. Most often scouts ...
University of Utah researchers found that female mice that live in a competitive social environment and choose to mate casually ...
Any dog lover will tell you if you see a dog wagging its tail it's a sign that the dog ...