Vehicle Brake Dust Could Be More Harmful Than Diesel Exhaust to Your Lungs
It's the copper specifically out of which most break pads are made that is concerning.
It's the copper specifically out of which most break pads are made that is concerning.
Air pollution claims millions of lives annually, but its full impact on human health is only now coming into focus.
New research from Denmark and the US uncovers how air and noise pollution disrupt fertility, from impairing sperm and egg ...
We're still only beginning to understand the health risks of air pollution
Study suggests connection has increased over time and across every country.
It's rechargeable and the data is stored on a card.
Not every tree works the same way.
Not all pollution comes from people
Medical science is making some incredible strides.
The small particulate matter may be causing damage to the blood vessels
Fossil fuels are largely behind the problem, according to a new UN report.
The new study also suggests how progress could be done: by introducing sustainable means of cooking and changing habits.
Where you grow up matters, especially if the air is polluted
We have to talk more about air pollution.
Poland, Germany, Italy, France and Spain are the most affected.
We just can't allow this to keep happening.
Air pollution kills more people than car collisions, smoking, or AIDS.
I can't tell whether this is good or bad news. Maybe both.
Needed another reason to tackle climate change? Here's one.
It's an algorithm that can help tackle air pollution from existing satellite data.
The air quality inside your home might not be as good as you think.
My apartment is next to a 4-lane street. I'm all for cleaner air.
Burning farmland and fossil fuel pollution are polluting the air, and the smog will remain in place for another month.
The level of pollution is shocking.
That’s a staggering figure.
He lives in France and has asthma, which would worsen in Bangladesh. It was argument enough for the court.
Cities could save millions on public health costs and gain major economic benefits.
Clean air is good news for everyone!
Most of them are being shipped to countries with weak regulation.
Reducing air pollution should be the priority of European cities.
We have to tackle air pollution, not only because of our health
Countries need to act to improve air quality as soon as possible
It's all over the place and it might be one of the main sources of air pollution.
Taking polluting cars off the streets is both healthy and profitable.
Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan, the most affected countries
Omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with less brain shrinkage at old age.
Less traffic congestion is helping to bring down pollution levels
It is a threat to public health and economic progress
It's truly pristine and unaffected by pollution from human activities.
Satellite date shows concentrations of fine particles and nitrogen dioxide is rising again in China
Half of the drivers surveyed said they would walk more instead of driving
The epidemic is also saving lives by forcing a reduction in air pollution.
No movement of people or industrial activity brought a cleaner sky over most cities.
There's a correlation between exposure to air pollution and death rates associated with coronavirus.
The state lost up to US$1 billion in crops per year.
There could be a link between the two, an NGO claims.
The coronavirus isn't the only pandemic running amok.
Are we breathing clean air? If you are in India or China probably not.
The bad news may signal a deadly change in U.S. environmental health.
Particle matter and other noxious fumes might make people more aggressive.