Sunset on Mars [AMAZING PHOTO]
A while ago I posted a piece on NASA's Spirit Rover last transmitted photo from Mars, before it ultimately died ...
A while ago I posted a piece on NASA's Spirit Rover last transmitted photo from Mars, before it ultimately died ...
Earlier this year, NASA launched the Argentine SAC-D satellite that has a number of instruments whose sole goal is that ...
In January, 1997 Lottie Williams was strolling through a park in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her friends around 3:30 AM, when a ...
A remarkable discovery which turns once again turns fiction into reality, the Kepler spacecraft has found the first confirmed planet ...
Following the recent failed launch of an unmanned vehicle in a three stage Soyuz rocket this past Wednesday, the International ...
More than just a SciFi dream, Paypal founder and billionaire Elon Musk wants to make "man on Mars" a reality. ...
The Universe is in constant expansion, which is why it is commonly said to be infinite, so basically one can ...
A watery death awaits the International Space Station after its programmed retirement in 2020, according to a recent statement released ...
Astronomers have discovered the largest body of water so far known, a reservoir of water floating in space around a ...
unknown photoshop credit. via Gizmodo There were a lot of firsts during the initial lunar landings, especially during the very ...
Astronomers have discovered a fourth moon orbiting Pluto via the famous Hubble telescope, NASA announced this Wednesday. Some of you ...
Incredibly enough, using a a simple, standard issued astrophotography set-up, amateur astronomer Scott Ferguson was able to film in incredible detail ...
This weekend, NASA's DAWN spacecraft finally put a lot of tension and nerves to rest after it successfully entered Vesta's ...
After a four year journey, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft will finally reach the orbit of Vesta, the second largest asteroid in ...
Despite unfriendly whether filled with low lying clouds and a last moment countdown glitch, which gave of all the 750,000 ...
Space shuttle Atlantis will embark this Friday on its final journey, symbolizing the end of NASA's illustrious space shuttle program. ...
NASA just confirmed the shuttle's last-ever mission will launch on July 8th. The space shuttle Atlantis will blast off headed for ...
This Monday (June 27), an asteroid the size of a bus just buzzed our planet after a flyby which brought ...
Launched in in the late 1970's in a mission to study the planets Jupiter, Saturn and their respective satellites, the ...
Last year, in October, China launched its second moon orbiter, as part of the country's rapidly growing reformed space program ...
NASA announced that it will launch an unmaned ship to a nearby asteroid, in an attempt to figure out more ...
A recent NASA operation (who knew they do this stuff ?) busted a woman who was trying to sell ...
Like i reckoned in some of my past articles, space tourism is getting more and more popular each year, as ...
Space shuttle Endeavour was set to launch a few days ago, and everything seemd to go according to plan; however, ...
In what can be considered a highly ambitious project, but quite highly unlikely to get passed bill, Rep. Bill Posey, ...
As the last two shuttle flights will mark the end of a thirty year long program, NASA is looking for ...
Everybody was eager to see where the four space ships who will soon be retired will go; the idea was ...
Tuesday will mark the 50th year since human space flight, since the day Yuri Gagarin left Russia and became the ...
NASA engineers and technicians are making the last adjustments to the Mars Rover, which is about the size of a ...
NASA is going through one of it's hardest periods ever, but that doesn't mean that the space research and ...
The planet closest to the sun is very hot, yet very cold at the same time. It may even be ...
Yesterday, Japan's unmanned space freighter Kounotori 2, of the H-2 Transfer Vehicle class, intentionally entered Earth's atmosphere where it crashed ...
Romantics and astronomy aficionados alike (much of the same aren't they?) will rejoice as this Saturday a rare spectacle of ...
As reported earlier on Thursday morning, the Messenger NASA spacecraft was scheduled for an evening jump into Mercury's orbit through ...
Amidst all the stuff that's going on for NASA right now, they can still find the resources to strike a ...
The joint exploration by NASA and ESA, encompassing joint efforts from the American and European space agency seemed like a ...
When launched in 1984, Discovery was top notch; it was the best available around, and only the third operational orbiter; ...
Two days ago, the whole world was teeming with excitement, after some NASA researchers reported finding traces of alien life ...
NASA is going through a whole lot during period: discussions about budget cuts, problems with launches, even with Hubble, and ...
Whenever Boeing and NASA team up, you can bet your sweet lasers something wicked is going to happen; actually, the ...
After six years of loneliness, this Valentine's day was the charm for one of the veteran comet-chasing spacecrafts. As Stardust ...
In 2004, NASA researchers identified the Apophis asteroid and after some quick calculations they states there is a chance the ...
I'm gonna be honest with you - I didn't see '2012'; honestly, I tried to. I started watching it two ...
JAXA, the Japanese space agency is becoming more and more active these days, as Japanese researchers are getting involved in ...
Tuesday at 6:51 a.m. EDT (1051 GMT) a small asteroid dubbed TD54 passed the Earth dangerously close, above a section ...
When early galaxies formed, there was a surprisingly high rate of new stars being formed, which was explained by major ...
An artists rendering of what our galaxy might look as viewed from outside our Galaxy. Our sun is about 25,000 ...
The above photo was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope around mid last year, proving excellent practice for Hubble's newly ...
While America seems to have delayed it's Moon base ambitions, Japan seems to have no such plans; according to their ...
Barack Obama came out and said that it should be possible for NASA to send astronauts to Mars and bring ...