Study: Mars got its water the same place Earth did – meteorites
A study conducted by researchers from the Carnegie Institution for Science concluded that both Earth and Mars got their water ...
A study conducted by researchers from the Carnegie Institution for Science concluded that both Earth and Mars got their water ...
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity used a mechanism on its robotic arm to dig up five scoopfuls of material from a ...
Felix Baumgartner, the supersonic man who jumped from about 40.000 meters above ground is definitely a man up for new ...
It's dinner time, and you know what there's on the menu? Rocks! Martian rocks, to be more precise. After what ...
The search for extraterrestrial life has always been a fascinating thought, one that has entertained the human mind for generations, ...
Although Curiosity landed recently on Mars, the rover is already proving its usefulness, beaming back all sort of interesting information; ...
A massive whirling dust storm on the surface of Mars, as seen captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The extreme ...
An artist impression of a view from the far side of the moon. At the beginning of the year, we ...
The moment many of us have been waiting for is almost here: Curiosity prepares to make its first contact with ...
Phobos transit over sun. (c) NASA As once can see above, Curiosity recently caught glimpse of a partial solar eclipse ...
(c) NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./ USGS/Modesto Junior College In the past couple of months, all Mars-related attention has been almost unanimously shifted ...
Ok, enough of the low-res, black and white photos from Curiosity. NASA just released the first high-resolution, nearly dust free, ...
Strap on your 3-D glasses, folks. Curiosity is back on ZME Science, this time in full 3-D. We just got ...
Hope you're all not too bored by the influx of Curiosity we've been feeding these past few days. We believe ...
Yes, Curiosity has landed! And like we've reported earlier, right after the rover landed on the martian surface, it beamed ...
At precisely 10:32 p.m. Pacific time (1:32 a.m. EDT/0530 GMT), today, August 6, NASA's Curiosity Rover touched down on martian soil ...
The most sophisticated rover developed by NASA to date, the Mars Curiosity rover, is set to land on the red ...
A new study conducted by NASA indicates that large molecules containing carbon came to Earth from Mars - molecules which ...
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has revealed yet another surprising fact about our red neighbor: movement in sand dunes occurs on ...
Several studies performed in the last decade have shown Mars used to be warmer and wetter, but scientists still haven't ...
NASA is equivalent to innovation and cutting edge technology, and this was made possible by the creative flow of whole ...
When the administration gives you budget cut lemons, make a different scientific lemonade - that's pretty much what NASA is ...
The term Mars opposition basically refers to a geometric event. Thus on the 3rd of March, Mars will appear exactly ...
NASA recently issued a call-out to all those interested in joining a special, four-month long study, in which a stay ...
For the past three years, scientists have been analyzing data fed back by the 2008 NASA Phoenix mission to Mars, which ...
There's no bigger drag on a busy Monday morning than finding your car under a heap of snow in the ...
After what can only be described has a frustrating, sleepless month for the Russian scientists involved in the Phobos grunt ...
Every NASA spacecraft sent to missions on other space bodies, like other planets, asteroids or moons, needs to adhere to ...
There are numerous challenges that come with outer Earth colonization of distant planets like Mars, or our neighboring moon, and one of ...
On November 26, after countless delays, budget overruns and buckets of sweat, humankind's most capable machine of landing on and ...
Two weeks ago, panic engulfed the Russian space agency after one of its dearest project, the $170 million Phobos-Grunt mission, which ...
After a two year delay, almost a decade of planning, and several budget overruns, NASA's proudest rover, Curiosity, is finally ...
The Vostok capsule, in which Yuri Gagarin embarked on April 12, 1961 to become the first person in space. This ...
The drama continues for the Russian Grunt mission, which had the purpose of going to Phobos and extracting samples. The ...
Just yesterday I was telling you about an extremely ambitious and admirable mission planned by the Russian, which has the ...
The privately built SpaceX shuttle is only a few weeks away from its first space flight towards the International Space ...
In these past few decades, the US space program seemed to have significantly overcome the Russian one, with all sort ...
Almost one year and a half ago six volunteers embarked on a fictive mission to Mars, designed to simulate the ...
There is still a good chance we might find life on Mars, but if we really want to do this, ...
Trekkies might rejoice at the news that NASA has recently decided to fund a research group employed to study how ...
A virtual trek, that is. NASA has just released a stunning video comprised of 309 photos the agency's Opportunity Rover ...
A while ago I posted a piece on NASA's Spirit Rover last transmitted photo from Mars, before it ultimately died ...
As space agencies around the world, predominantly NASA, are considering building outposts outside Earth for the most likely far distant ...
The oldest, up to now, fossil has been found recently by a team of Australian and UK geologists, who claim ...
More than just a SciFi dream, Paypal founder and billionaire Elon Musk wants to make "man on Mars" a reality. ...
Captioned above is the very last piece of transmitted imagery by the now defunct Mars Spirit Rover (rest its soul; ...
Argentine aerospace engineer Pablo de Leon (L), a NASA team member, tests a space suit designed for possible use in ...
The joint exploration by NASA and ESA, encompassing joint efforts from the American and European space agency seemed like a ...
As any traveler surely knows, it's always cheaper if you travel one way; especially if you go to Mars. Recently, ...
Barack Obama came out and said that it should be possible for NASA to send astronauts to Mars and bring ...