News Take me to Mars: NASA signs $67M contract for new solar electric propulsion engine April 22, 2016
News How the European Space Agency plans to build a village on the Moon February 29, 2016 - Updated on March 2, 2016
Agriculture The International Space Station’s incredible flower garden is in full bloom January 22, 2016
Space NASA’s solar-powered Juno shuttle breaks record distance at 793 million km from the Sun January 18, 2016
Home science Astronaut food: what astronauts eat in space November 11, 2015 - Updated on April 30, 2023
News Warp speed possible, predicted by the theory of relativity, astrophysics professor says August 20, 2015
News Space-grown veggies are delicious, astronauts say August 11, 2015 - Updated on November 23, 2016
News The sounds of Earth – listen to the Golden Records we sent in space on the 1977 Voyager mission July 28, 2015
Astrophysics China Reaches Moon Orbit, Wants to Mine Very Rare, Energy Dense Element January 14, 2015
Space 42 years ago today, Apollo 17 lifted off from the moon. Human beings haven’t travelled beyond low Earth orbit ever since December 15, 2014
Space Japanese mission plans to blow asteroid and return chunks of it to Earth [UPDATE] December 2, 2014 - Updated on December 3, 2014
Space NASA to conduct unprecedented twin experiment: one twin will spend a year circling the Earth, while the other stays grounded April 15, 2014
News China’s rover on route for the moon and first lunar landing in 40 years December 3, 2013 - Updated on January 6, 2014
Remote sensing Russian ICBM missile test in space catches ISS astronauts by surprise October 14, 2013
Space Voyager may have already left the solar system according to magnetic bubble theory August 22, 2013 - Updated on September 10, 2017
Space How SpaceX’s Elon Musk wants to drop space launch prices 100 fold with reusable rockets August 20, 2013 - Updated on August 21, 2013
Remote sensing Gemini observatory shows off new instrument with some staggering astro-imaging [PHOTO GALLERY] August 12, 2013
Animals Russian crafts lands safely on earth – most mice, gerbils and other critters perish aboard perished May 21, 2013
Space Historic ISS rendzvous with manned spacecraft set for today [UPDATE] March 28, 2013 - Updated on April 4, 2013
Remote sensing Voyager-1 discovers new solar system boundary as it heads for interstellar space December 4, 2012
Space Reusable jet-rocket engine can take you in space and anywhere in the world within four hours December 3, 2012