Scott Kelly has been in space for 6 months, and will stay for a full year. The American veteran astronaut actually commands the International Space Station, and his Twitter account is an absolute delight, with often updates on what’s happening on the ISS and glorious pictures of the Earth, as it’s seen from outer space. These are just the ones he took in July. The image captions are the exact words he tweeted.

The following photos were shot by Kelly from aboard the International Space Station, taken from his Twitter feed. They’re so spectacular that even Obama declared his admiration, and wrote to Kelly:
Hey @StationCDRKelly, loving the photos. Do you ever look out the window and just freak out?
— President Obama (@POTUS) August 1, 2015

The astronaut was quick and snappy in his reply:

I don’t freak out about anything, Mr. President. Except getting a Twitter question from you. https://t.co/AT0nvUXkq4
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) August 1, 2015

This is Kelly’s 4th mission aboard the International Space Station. In March, he and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko started what will be one year in space, to test the body’s reaction to extended spaceflight.

You’re doing a fantastic job, mister Kelly! We, the humble people of Earth send over our admiration and respect.