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HD1 bests the rest.
Scientists have direct photographic evidence of a Jupiter-like protoplanet forming through an until now unproven mechanism.
The first recordings of sound on Mars are not what you'd expect.
When art and astronomy meet, the results are always stellar.
Hubble just chalked up another first.
The Milky Way isn't exactly a young buck.
The eye in the sky could help us figure out what's happening on the ground.
The 5,000th exoplanet could just be the beginning.
A recent study shows that dense regions help stars lose gas quickly, inhibiting star formation.
The agency set aside samples in 1972 gathered on the last human mission to the Moon.
The scientists made Ice-VIIt in the lab by squeezing water at a pressure more than 50,000 that found at sea level.
The next window of opportunity for the rover will be in two years, with or without Russia
Solar sailing is a thing.
It's a gut wrenching humanitarian crisis that can get even worse.
There is a new record setter in town.
Funding -- there's nothing quite like it to help you go to space again.
Astronomers have tracked the rocket for many years, but its origin is still contested
These grants fund research into the bleeding edge of space technology.
Virtual code has become virtual DNA.
Coronal loops may not be what they seem.
Russia was a major partner of the ExoMars mission. But due to the war, the European Space Agency will now have to move forward alone.
If they're like us, they'll likely be spewing out junk into their atmosphere.
We don't really know why these ultra-big structures get so big -- but finding more of them could help us better understand them.
The planet is close enough
While it's not confirmed that life comes from space, this is a sign that it might.
There's still a long way to go to check it, but it's an exciting development
We can now see the movement of the many galaxies living in nearby superclusters.
The Tesla Roadster has so far traveled over 2 billion miles, way past its warranty mileage.
We now know what to order in that fancy Martian restaurant.
Launched in 2000, it has hosted astronauts from 19 countries. Now, NASA's thinking about its retirement.
Private space flight is up for a new important milestone.
There's a new player in the space flight game.
A lone asteroid is scouting ahead of Earth's orbit. It's the largest Trojan found in Earth's system thus far.
We weren't even sure something like this was possible
Red Planet? More like Purple Planet.
What researchers thought was water may turn out to be rocks, a new study concludes.
Not only ashes, but pressure waves affected the atmosphere as well.
Black holes may do more than just destroy -- they may also create new things.
A new algorithm could change the Mars orbiter game.
Scientists will use the new moon to aid in future interstellar colonization.
It will help scientists better understand dark energy and the unnerving expansion of the universe.
Red blood cell counts are just one of the concerns of space travel.
It’s long been a mystery how black holes form, now astronomers are on the verge of cracking it.
WASP-103b bucks the trend when it comes to planet shape.
We're learning new things about the most powerful explosions in the universe.
The rock was jettisoned to the moon when early Earth was pounded by daily meteorite impacts.
There's a way to go but things are progressing smoothly.
These brave tiny creatures could pave the way for humans traveling to distant worlds outside of our solar system.
Could these giant explosions be the reason we exist?
It's a major milestone, but it's still not ready for action just yet.