After showing us how the ISS got put together, the guys over at NASA released a new 4K timelapse video of breath taking beauty. Using 95,600 photo files of high fidelity taken by the ISS, they created almost 40 minutes of raw footage of the Earth.

Russian photo blogger Dmitry Pisanko selected 4 minutes of video and — with the soundtrack provided by Italian pianist and composer Ludovico Einaudi — created ISS Symphony. According to Pisanko, it took him three months to find the perfect score.
Using about 80 Gigabytes of footage from ISS expeditions 28, 29, 30 and 34, France-based filmmaker Guillaume Juin created a supercut of time-lapses, edited into a final short film named Astronaut:
“What does astronaut see from up there? From the red soil of Africa, the blue water of oceans, to the green lights of the poles and yellow light of human activity, discover, throughout this journey to space, something astoundingly beautiful and strange at the same time,” he wrote.
And filmmaker David Peterson‘s youtube channel has some amazing videos one of which, titled “All Alone in the Night”, set to a track by Two Steps From Hell, shows the earth afire with city lights: