I’m gonna be honest with you – I didn’t see ‘2012’; honestly, I tried to. I started watching it two times, but it was just too stupid – and not the kind of funny stupid, the kind that just takes all the pleasure of watching (if you have a slight idea about what they’re saying in there). A number of NASA specialists however, decided they have to be more patient than me and watched it from start to end. Their conclusion ? It is the most absurd science fiction movie ever to be made.
The film that grossed more than £490 million at the box office and stared John Cusack, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton and Chiwetel Ejiofor may have been a success from an income point of view, but it had a whole lot of people worrying about absurd things; a whole number of concerned viewers actually called NASA and asked for an explanation. The response was loud and clear: it is a perfect example of bad science on the big screen.
‘The film makers took advantage of public worries about the so-called end of the world as apparently predicted by the Mayans of Central America, whose calendar ends on December 21st, 2012,’ he added.
Researchers from NASA have criticized other movies, such as Armageddon, The 6th Day, Volcano and Chain Reaction for their inaccurate scientific content, but they also said that movies that have had success can be also accurate, citing Gattaca and Blade Runner as examples.