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Welcome to 2014!

Hello and welcome to 2014! The past year was incredible, with almost more studies and research than it’s humanly possible to follow. But science doesn’t take a break, and neither do we! (Well, we took a break until now, but that’s over). We’ll leave the 2013 round-up for tomorrow’s articles, so what’s new in 2014? […]

Mihai Andrei
January 5, 2014 @ 5:48 pm

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Hello and welcome to 2014! The past year was incredible, with almost more studies and research than it’s humanly possible to follow. But science doesn’t take a break, and neither do we! (Well, we took a break until now, but that’s over). We’ll leave the 2013 round-up for tomorrow’s articles, so what’s new in 2014?

Giveaway prizes!

As most of you know, we ended the year with a massive giveaway, asking you to give a general feedback on the website experience. Using random.org, we drafted the winners, and we’ve already started sending them emails – hopefully, they will respond and we will be able to ship the prizes as soon as possible.

We’d like to thank you once again for taking the time to answer our questions and telling us what you like and/or don’t like – we’ll publish the results so everyone can see them this week, and we’re already working on some of the features you want!

What features am I talking about ?
– the Q&A section, which is already up, but we’re reworking it
– the ZME shop – by popular demand! I was overwhelmed to see how many of you wanted this to become a reality, so we’re on it!
Job listing section. Not something really interesting for most people, but those of you who are actually scientists were interested.

– More, more, more! More articles, more insight, more pictures, more giveaways a better system for contributors – you ask, we listen. Oh – and a new website design to accommodate all these changes!

Another member in the team!

We’re happy to announce a new member in our team – Livia!

You might see her writing from time to time, but more often she will be taking care of our occasional little writing mistakes which rightfully annoy so many of you. So we welcome her and hope that she has a long and pleasant stay with us!

This being said, welcome to the science of 2014!

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James Webb Telescope Uses Cosmic "Magnifying glass" to Detect Stars 6.5 Billion Light-Years Away

The research group observed a galaxy nearly 6.5 billion light-years from Earth; when the universe was half its current age.

Not armed, but dangerous: New Armless dinosaur species unearthed in Argentina

This dino was not armed, but still very dangerous!

What are the effects of Dry January? Better sleep, more energy and feeling in control

Can a month without alcohol really change your life? Dry January participants report a wealth of benefits.

Local governments are using AI without clear rules or policies, and the public has no idea

In 2017, the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands deployed an artificial intelligence (AI) system to determine how likely welfare recipients were to commit fraud. After analysing the data, the system developed biases: it flagged as “high risk” people who identified as female, young, with kids, and of low proficiency in the Dutch language. The […]

The 12 Smartest Dinosaurs: The Top Brainy Beasts of the Mesozoic

A rundown of some of the most interesting high-IQ dinos.

These Revolutionary Maps Are Revealing Earth's Geological Secrets

This work paves the way for more precise and comprehensive geological models

These Cockatoos Prepare Their Food by Dunking it Into Water

Just like some of us enjoy rusk dipped in coffee or tea, intelligent cockatoos delight in eating rusk dipped in water.

Microplastics Discovered in Human Brain Tissue: What Are The Health Risks?

From the air we breathe to the water we drink, microplastics infiltrate every corner of our lives—but what happens when they cross into our brains?

How Hot is the Moon? A New NASA Mission is About to Find Out

Understanding how heat moves through the lunar regolith can help scientists understand how the Moon's interior formed.

New tools enable companies to improve the sustainability of their products

There’s no shortage of environmental crises. Whether it’s climate change, plastic pollution, or simply our mounting waste, we just produce too much stuff — and then throw it away. There’s no silver bullet or magic tool that can solve everything. We need societal changes, better regulation, and more responsible companies. In a new study, a […]