Health New Sage Therapeutics drug alleviates postpartum depression in majority of patients July 12, 2016 - Updated on July 13, 2016
News Helicopter parents may pressure children to become too self-critical. Depression and anxiety follows June 27, 2016
Neurology Is brain training bogus? New study suggests this billion dollar industry only delivers placebos June 21, 2016
Health This is the world’s ugliest color, and it’s being put to good use June 20, 2016 - Updated on June 21, 2016
Mind & Brain Equation suggests other people’s fortunes affects our happiness, and inequality makes us very unhappy June 16, 2016
Mind & Brain Teenage boys who show empathy attract 1.8 more girlfriends than boys who don’t June 14, 2016
News How your relationship changes the way you see other people June 7, 2016 - Updated on July 30, 2023
News Action video games like Call of Duty slightly improve cognition in young and older adults alike June 6, 2016
Psychology Breaking the Backlash – A take on the social psychology of discrimination May 10, 2016 - Updated on April 30, 2023
News Deep male voices might have evolved to intimidate other males, not attract females April 28, 2016 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Mind & Brain ‘Cool’ light improves learning and academic performance. ‘Yellow light’ better for relaxing April 27, 2016 - Updated on April 19, 2019
News Study following 160,000 children found spanking doesn’t work. On the contrary… April 27, 2016 - Updated on April 28, 2016
Animals What doesn’t kill you, makes your life shorter: Baboons with rough childhoods die earlier April 20, 2016
News Meet the ‘brainprint’: scientists can now identify you with 100% accuracy based on brain waves alone April 19, 2016
Metascience Scientists published the 50 most incorrectly used terms in science April 12, 2016 - Updated on April 30, 2023
News Grammar police on social media are ‘less agreeable people’ in real life too, study finds April 7, 2016
Neurology Religion and science: is there really a divide ? March 23, 2016 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Mind & Brain Anxiety alters perception by attaching emotional experience to neutral cues March 8, 2016
Health Overweight people judge distances as being farther, making it harder to exercise February 15, 2016
News Belief in omnipotent, punitive gods may have shaped civilization February 11, 2016 - Updated on February 12, 2016
News The paradox of LSD: makes you psychotic in short-term, happier and more creative long term February 10, 2016
Alien life Observing Alien Armageddon could be our first sign of advanced civilizations in space. February 3, 2016
News 30 days past Christmas: surprisingly, retailers sell more with longer return policies January 25, 2016 - Updated on November 16, 2020