Physics Ideal hydrogen storage material may have been found November 1, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Physics A few possible explanations for the faster than light particles October 17, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Physics Google teams up with Stephen Hawking and launches teenage space experiment contest October 10, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Offbeat The physics behind Slinky drops – gravity vs tension September 27, 2011 - Updated on January 25, 2015
Inventions Crucial magnetic superconductor breakthrough opens new grounds in electronics September 7, 2011
Physics CERN scientists claim the Higgs boson is excluded with a 95% possibility August 30, 2011 - Updated on November 5, 2013
Physics Nuclear fission power plants – a viable power source for outposts on the Moon or Mars August 29, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Discoveries Elusive Higgs Boson particle may have finally been found July 23, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Physics People find out that CERN trapped antimatter for over 15 minutes June 6, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Physics Stephen Hawking about heaven and the afterlife: “a fairy story” May 16, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Physics Scientific world buzzing around rumour that God particle has been detected April 27, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Geology Geophysics shows plume of Yellowstone volcano is much larger than previously believed April 12, 2011
Physics New US Navy high-energy laser blasts ship [video] April 11, 2011 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Physics Large Hadron Collider can be the world’s first time machine March 16, 2011 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Geology Radiation Level at Fukushima nuclear plant is 1000 times over accepted level after earthquake March 12, 2011