Nanotechnology Graphene is still the world’s most powerful material – even when it’s flawed June 3, 2013
Discoveries Smallest liquid droplets created at LHC are 100,000th the size of a hydrogen atom May 20, 2013
Physics LHC passes ‘hardest’ test yet: ping-pong ball blazes through particle accelerator April 16, 2013
Physics Relativistic computation brings us one step closer to accurately describing turbulence April 5, 2013
Chemistry Graphene aerogel takes lightest material crown – could be used to clean up oil spills March 26, 2013
Physics When laying the foundations for life, the Universe leaves little room for error March 18, 2013
Physics Higgs boson discovery confirmed after CERN scientists reviewed massive LHC data March 14, 2013 - Updated on May 14, 2021
Physics Supermassive black hole spin measured for first time – nears the speed of light February 28, 2013
Discoveries Graphene can multiply light, demonstrating new immense energy potential February 25, 2013
Physics Scientists search for unparticle in the Earth’s mantle – find nothing, still happy February 22, 2013
Geology Asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs may have been a set of binary asteroids February 5, 2013
Physics Microwave metamaterial camera images in real time. It’s only a fraction of the size current devices are January 18, 2013 - Updated on November 16, 2020