Other 2013 Nobel prize in physics awarded to ‘God particle’ scientists: Peter Higgs and Francois Englert October 8, 2013
Physics Closer then ever to nuclear fusion, according to physicists October 3, 2013 - Updated on July 24, 2019
Chemistry Who Lost Weight and Who Got Fat: Official Atomic Weights Change For 19 Elements September 25, 2013 - Updated on September 30, 2013
Animals Fluid dynamics shapes beautiful hexagon honeycombs, not the bees themselves August 30, 2013 - Updated on September 20, 2021
Discoveries Breakthrough could usher away silicon and make way for graphene transistors August 21, 2013
Physics Earth is like a natural particle accelerator in space pushing electrons to 99.9% speed of light July 26, 2013
Environment New evidence links fluid injected into fracking wells to significant earthquakes in the US July 12, 2013
Physics Human-sized invisibility cloak makes use of magic trick to hide large objects June 7, 2013 - Updated on July 4, 2023
Nanotechnology Graphene is still the world’s most powerful material – even when it’s flawed June 3, 2013