Biology Scientists believe they’ve identified the source of the mysterious sound coming from the Mariana Trench December 20, 2016
Electronics Mixing Silly Putty with graphene creates incredibly sensitive pressure sensors, scientists find December 12, 2016
Electronics Scientists need you to join the Phi-Lambda mission and make quantum computers work December 9, 2016 - Updated on May 1, 2023
News Why the Earth’s core is two and a half years younger than the crust December 8, 2016 - Updated on April 24, 2019
News Obi-Wan Kenobi, the goggles-wearing parrot, teaches us a thing or two about flight physics December 6, 2016
News Water trapped in carbon nanotubes starts freezing at the temperature it should be boiling November 30, 2016
News Bendy artificial muscle is made of pure nylon, still stronger than you November 28, 2016 - Updated on November 29, 2016
Offbeat In 1975, a physicist co-authored a paper with his cat. He did it for a very good reason November 28, 2016
Physics It’s official: NASA’s “impossible” EM drive has been peer-reviewed and published November 24, 2016
News Laser stopwatch measures atomic events with trillionth of a billionth of a second accuracy November 10, 2016 - Updated on November 12, 2016
Environment Cooking nuclear waste into glass and ceramic materials could provide safe, efficient containment November 4, 2016
News Newly proposed particles might solve five of physics’ biggest problems, including dark matter October 31, 2016 - Updated on November 2, 2016
Features Squished-booms: looking at the behavior of underwater explosions October 7, 2016 - Updated on January 29, 2021
News Scientists observe 200-mile long lightning bolt – 10 times longer than we thought possible September 19, 2016
News You’re holding that mug wrong — physicist calculates ‘claw-hand posture’ is most effective to avoid coffee spills September 13, 2016
Discoveries The Universe expands equally in all directions — and this is bad news for Einstein’s equations September 12, 2016
News High-power lasers create ‘smoke rings’ that travel along the beam with the speed of light September 9, 2016
Discoveries Physicists think they might have found a dark boson — a dark matter particle September 8, 2016
Astrophysics Milky Way’s missing matter traced back to an explosion in its core 6 million years ago September 1, 2016
News The U.S. plans to build the most advanced fusion reactor ever August 29, 2016 - Updated on July 24, 2019
Green Living California’s highways will generate electricity from cars driving over them August 15, 2016 - Updated on February 25, 2020
News New measurement of a proton leaves us with more questions than answers August 12, 2016 - Updated on October 28, 2022
News Why sonar needs to adapt to new sound highways in the Arctic August 11, 2016 - Updated on August 12, 2016
News Scientists discover new ‘Frankenstein’ form of light, with important consequences for quantum computing August 8, 2016
News Dissatisfied owner turns his pub into a Faraday Cage to save the English pub experience August 3, 2016
Astrophysics Too big to orbit: Jupiter is so massive it doesn’t actually orbit the Sun July 28, 2016 - Updated on December 7, 2016
Physics Large Underground Xenon experiment fails to detect dark matter July 21, 2016 - Updated on July 22, 2016
Inventions Real life invisibility cloaks are closer than we think July 19, 2016 - Updated on July 4, 2023
News The smallest, most affordable atomic force microscope could be a game changer July 8, 2016 - Updated on September 23, 2022