Future Scientists make the smallest-ever man-made flying devices inspired by propeller seeds September 22, 2021
Health Why kids hate broccoli: a foul combination with oral bacteria September 22, 2021 - Updated on April 20, 2023
Animals Understanding squirrel personalities can help us better protect endangered species September 22, 2021
Art The first artists? Researchers find children handprints from 200,000 years ago September 21, 2021
Science Hall thrusters will use sunlight to carry probe into deep space September 21, 2021 - Updated on October 11, 2021
Animals Scientists unravel mystery of ‘milky seas’ made by billions of trillions of luminous bacteria September 21, 2021
Astronomy A universe in a bottle: why simulating everything there is is so important September 21, 2021
Other Black Lives Matter protests were overwhelmingly peaceful, large-scale analysis shows September 21, 2021
Health Antibodies against the first coronavirus strain aren’t very effective against emerging forms of the virus September 20, 2021
Climate A new tropical storm, Peter, has formed in the Atlantic. Another, Rose, is likely to follow soon September 20, 2021
Fossil Friday Fossil Friday: ancient whale that walked on all fours found deep in the Egyptian desert September 17, 2021
Environment Climate change is choking the oxygen out of deep water, and it’s putting fish in a double bind September 17, 2021
Anthropology When did people first start wearing clothes? 120,000-year-old bone tools found in Moroccan cave shed clues September 17, 2021
Health The pandemic left a noticeable trace in birth rates, even in rich, developed countries September 16, 2021
Archaeology England’s first American colony mysteriously disappeared without a trace over 400 years ago. Scientists are now looking for clues September 16, 2021
Science Some primates carry their dead infants for months as a form of grieving September 16, 2021 - Updated on July 12, 2023
Environment We could store car exhaust and use it to fuel our crops, in about a decade or so September 16, 2021
Science SpaceX launches first all-civilian mission into orbit in historic Inspiration4 flight September 16, 2021
News Researchers develop a new way to tackle fake news — and it’s aimed at the stock market September 16, 2021 - Updated on September 17, 2021
Science Prehistoric humans rarely mated with their cousins, unlike today September 15, 2021 - Updated on May 29, 2023
Environment The system is broken: 90% of farm subsidies are bad for the environment and our health September 15, 2021 - Updated on April 20, 2023
Climate Chalk one for the Paris Agreement: coal plants are getting canceled left and right September 14, 2021
Astronomy You can now hold the whole (simulated) universe in the palm of your hand September 14, 2021
Animals Scientists on a mission to resurrect woolly mammoth raise $15 million September 14, 2021 - Updated on November 26, 2021
Mind & Brain Our heart rates synchronize when closely listening to the same stories September 14, 2021
News Martian outposts could be made with astronaut’s blood, sweat, and pee — quite literally September 14, 2021
Environment England’s largest Zoo to build ‘solar lion’ to make itself more eco-friendly September 13, 2021
Mind & Brain Too much free time can be just as depressing as no free time — if you’re wasting all of it September 13, 2021
Diseases Denmark officially ends all Covid-19 restrictions — thanks to the vaccine September 13, 2021
News Overeating alone doesn’t explain the obesity epidemic. There’s more to it than just ‘calories in, calories out’ September 13, 2021 - Updated on September 15, 2021
Science Prostate cancer risk 24% higher among 9/11 first responders September 13, 2021 - Updated on September 14, 2021
Climate A radical new freezing method could cut emissions equal to one million cars, while keeping your food fresh September 10, 2021