Health Scientists solve ‘untreatable’ depression with personalized brain implant, in world first October 5, 2021
News Largest comet ever discovered is heading towards the Sun. Nothing to worry about, though October 4, 2021
Archaeology Archaeologists uncover hidden citadel in ancient Maya city October 4, 2021 - Updated on February 13, 2024
Climate Climate change is making the Earth dimmer, which, in turn, warms up the climate October 2, 2021
News Australia returns control of the world’s oldest tropical forest to indigenous First Nations October 1, 2021
Mathematics Mathematicians know how to solve traffic jams — we just need policymakers to listen September 30, 2021
Animals Ivory-billed woodpecker and other 22 species to be declared extinct in the US September 30, 2021
Agriculture Nitrogen-fixing bacteria could make farming possible even in Martian soils September 30, 2021
Science The Science of a Deliciously ‘Meaty,’ 3D Printed Meat-Free Future September 30, 2021 - Updated on October 1, 2021
Environment Norway bans the sale of non-electric cars by 2025 — but trends suggest EVs will hit 100% way before that September 30, 2021
Animals Endangered kea parrots can use touchscreen computers — but they don’t know what’s real and what’s virtual September 29, 2021
Environment Most of UK’s fruits and vegetables contain a mixture of pesticides — but is this a concern? September 29, 2021
News How contagious is Delta? How long are you infectious? Is it more deadly? A quick guide to the latest science September 29, 2021
Climate Plastic and climate crisis are linked — we shouldn’t address one and ignore the other September 29, 2021
Science Researchers want to rename destructive moths because of their offensive name September 29, 2021
Environment Researchers finally explain the ‘Zen Stone’ phenomenon, and how it could affect space explorers September 28, 2021
Environment Carbon dioxide could be used make fuel — on Earth and beyond it September 28, 2021 - Updated on October 11, 2021
News Long-term, they’re cheaper: Electric cars can cost 40% less to maintain over their lifetime September 28, 2021
News Electric cars could make or break the American auto industry’s job market. Nearly 75,000 jobs could be lost by 2030 without government investment September 28, 2021
Diseases Influenza vaccine could also help against severe Covid-19 — but we’re not entirely sure why September 28, 2021
Mind & Brain White matter density in our brains at birth may influence how easily we learn to understand and use language September 27, 2021
Health Funeral truck vaccination ad goes viral, causes uptick in local vaccination rate September 27, 2021
Science Political orientation predicts science denial – here’s what that means for getting Americans vaccinated against COVID-19 September 27, 2021
Discoveries Earrings aren’t just fashionable. They’re also a form of communication. September 25, 2021
Environment WHO tightens air quality guidelines. If we want to save lives, we need to reduce pollution September 24, 2021
Animals As autumn approaches here’s why we see more spiders in our houses and why wasps are desperate for sugar September 24, 2021
Archaeology 23,000 year-old ‘ghost tracks’ show humans arrived in the Americas much earlier than thought September 24, 2021
Environment New Environmental Protection Agency regulations take aim at phasing out hydrofluorocarbons September 23, 2021
Animals Mice can develop neural signs of depression when forced to watch other mice experiencing stress September 23, 2021
Diseases Unvaccinated Bolsonaro defies the pandemic and the environment at UN summit September 22, 2021