Genetics Moral judgment condemning drug use and casual sex may be rooted in our genes November 4, 2021
Mind & Brain Our brains may be naturally wired for multilingualism, being ‘blind’ to changes between languages November 4, 2021
Health Two-thirds of college students are struggling with lack of sleep, poor sleep quality November 4, 2021
Chemistry Astronomers find the farthest evidence of fluoride to date, in a distant galaxy November 4, 2021
Animals Whales eat much more than we assumed, and it has huge ecological implications November 3, 2021
Science Food Traceability Has Never Been More Important for the Food Industry November 3, 2021 - Updated on November 6, 2021
Geology We are one step closer to forecasting how volcanoes will behave during eruptions November 3, 2021
Science Scientists find ‘genetic goldmine’ in driest place on Earth that may boost crop resilience November 3, 2021
Environment Could we use plastic to end the ocean’s plastic problem? A new paper says: “Yes!” November 2, 2021
Geology Stellar pollution shows exoplanets are more diverse than we thought — but few are like Earth November 2, 2021
Environmental Issues Consumer habits in rich countries are killing 2 million people a year November 2, 2021
Health A small asteroid just grazed past Antarctica. Why didn’t anyone see it coming? November 1, 2021
Biology New brain stimulation technique cured 80% of major depression cases during trial run November 1, 2021
Health Solitude during the pandemic had positive effects on our well-being, not just negative ones November 1, 2021
Science Income inequality during the pandemic was kept under control by historic stimulus checks, study finds November 1, 2021
Health Antibiotic resistance is at a crisis point – but new drugs could help defeat superbugs October 29, 2021
Health Third Chinese city goes back into quarantine to control local COVID-19 flare-ups October 28, 2021
Health Most appendicitis surgeries can be avoided with antibiotics, reports the largest trial yet on the subject October 27, 2021
Environment Finnish researchers aim to bring lab-grown coffee to the markets in around four years’ time October 27, 2021
News The new Voyager: NASA is planning an interstellar mission that could last more than 100 years October 26, 2021
Animals How a unique facial muscle makes those ‘puppy dog eyes’ irresistible to humans October 26, 2021
Mind & Brain Young adults are grieving the developmental milestones they’ve missed under the pandemic October 26, 2021
Health The global response to the pandemic has been “a collective failure”, according to independent health watchdog October 26, 2021